‘My wife says I am too old to perform in bed’

Sun, 15 Jan 2017 10:12:39 +0000



A 55-YEAR-OLD man narrated before a Local Court in Lusaka that he wanted to divorce his wife because she tells him that he is too old for her and can’t perform in bed.

Godfrey Shanje of Garden House compound was testifying in a case in which his wife, Judith Miti, 41, sued him for divorce.

The two got married in 1994 and have four children.

Miti told Senior Court Magistrate Lewis Mumba sitting with Magistrates Abbyshine Michelo and Esther Mulomba at Kanyama Local Court that she never had peace in her marriage and that on September 23, 2016, they were in court for reconciliation but Shanje never changed.

She explained that Shanje threatens her life and that at 03.00 hours, he produced a knife with which he threatened her.

Miti said that Shanje was a loafer but he removed a tenant from a shop which brought income to the family.

She further said that since they went to court for reconciliation in September 2016, they had not made love.

“I provide for Shanje because he doesn’t work but he goes to his girlfriend for months,’’ said Miti.

In defence, Shanje said that he also wanted divorce because Miti told him that he was old and could not perform in bed.

He explained that he retired from Pamodzi Hotel on medical grounds and that he gave Miti money from NAPSA as she was the one with an ATM card, adding that she withdraws money from ZANACO.

Shanje said that Miti slept in the sitting room and that after knocking off from the shop at 22.00 hours, she would disappear into thin air, adding that she only returned home in the morning the following day. He said that Miti has a bad temper.

Miti admitted having an ATM card. Magistrate Mumba said that they came for reconciliation but failed and that there was no sex in the marriage.

He granted the couple divorce without compensation but Shanje was ordered to be paying child maintenance fee of K400 per month and property acquired together would be shared equally.


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