Nawakwi quizzed over 50,000 pounds donation

Fri, 31 Mar 2017 11:16:38 +0000




EDITH Nawakwi should explain how over 50,000 British pounds donated by foreign donors for party activities which did not take place was used, says Save FDD Committee spokesperson Yotam Mtayachalo.

Mr Mtayachalo warned that failure to explain the expenditure would compel the committee to report the matter to law enforcement agencies.

And Mr Mtayachalo also demanded for the FDD leader to exculpate herself regarding the K400,000 which was meant for youth activities but was allegedly not used for the intended purpose.

He said at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday that the party accounts had not been audited for over 10 years and claimed that some of the party properties were registered in the names of Ms Nawakwi’s relatives.

Mr Mtayachalo challenged Ms Nawakwi to produce an inventory of party assets and explain how funds from donors meant for specific party activities were used.

“FDD is well funded but we don’t know how the money is being used. We are aware of K400,000 meant for youth activities which did not take place. We are also aware of about 50,000 pounds which came for some youth activities


but did not go for the intended purpose,” he said.

He also disclosed that Ms Nawakwi was doctoring a list of delegates to attend the forthcoming convention in a scheme to garner support for the amendment of the party constitution to enable her stand for a third term as FDD president.

He said sources close to Ms Nawakwi had hinted that she was planning a snap convention that would be attended by handpicked delegates.

Mr Mtayachalo however said that the party constitution was clear on who should attend the convention and that it was not within Ms Nawakwi’s powers to decide who to attend and the date on which the convention was to be held.

He explained that Ms Nawakwi was only mandated to constitute a committee to organise the convention and set the date for the convention.

Mr Mtayachalo said that the Save FDD Committee would in the next two weeks raise about K3 million towards the convention which he said the top leadership of the party had failed to organise.

And Save FDD Committee national coordinator Lawrence Mwelwa said that Ms Nawakwi was not eligible to stand for a third term as party president and that they were ready to support whoever would take over from her.

He said Ms Nawakwi illegally contested last year’s general election on the FDD ticket because the party constitution did not allow a member who had lost a previous election to contest again.

Dr Mwelwa also wondered why the party had failed to hold a convention on account of lack of funds when all the members had been paying K5,000 membership fee every year.

He also challenged Ms Nawakwi to provide members with the inventory of all party assets and explain how money from named donors intended for specific activities which did not take place was used.

He said the aim of the Save FDD Committee was not to divide the party but that members were acting within their rights as enshrined in the party constitution.


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