Nevers banks on court for MMD presidency

Tue, 21 Mar 2017 12:54:02 +0000



PEOPLE rallying behind Felix Mutati as the MMD president will be embarrassed and put to shame after the final verdict from the courts of law because a convention of suspended party members is illegal, says Nevers Mumba.

Dr Mumba said that it was unrealistic that people were already referring to him as the former president of MMD when the matter had not yet been concluded by the court.

He said in an interview with Daily Nation that people who had been referring to him as the former president for MMD would be put to shame when the courts ruled in his favour.

Dr Mumba who is former republican vice president said that the convention at which Mr Mutati was elected party president was illegal because it was organized by members of the party who were on suspension.

“Some people have chosen to support illegality and enthrone a president for the MMD and are referring to me as the former president for the party. It’s an illegality but some people have continued to perpetuate an illegality. They will be very embarrassed when the case which is still in the courts is concluded” he said.

Mr Mutati was elected unopposed as the new MMD President at a party convention at Mulungushi University in Kabwe last year.

He had challenged Dr Mumba who did not even show up at the convention despite being invited to the event.

MMD Eastern Province Chairperson Jacob Mwanza moved a motion to dissolve the NEC and revoke all suspensions as well as expulsions which was seconded by North Western Chairperson.

Mr Mwanza also proposed that the election of the party president be done simultaneously with the election of NEC members which was also seconded.

Returning officer Edward Mukuka announced Mr Mutati as the new party president at 10:49hrs after receiving only one name for the position.

Over 1,700 delegates from all the ten provinces were in attendance at the MMD convention.

Dr Mumba’s faction had obtained an injunction before the convention to stop it from taking place but it was discharged by High Court Judge Eddie Sikazwe.


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