North-West PF urges civil servants to study PF manifesto

Fri, 24 Feb 2017 10:15:44 +0000




THE ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in North-Western Province has urged civil servants to acquaint themselves with the ruling party’s manifesto for them to implement government policies and programmes effectively.

PF provincial chairperson Emmanuel Chihili told the Daily Nation in an interview that it was not possible for the government to deliver services to the people if the implementers of the programmes did not understand the PF manifesto.

“The party manifesto spells out the vision for the ruling party, so it is important that civil servants acquaint and understand the ruling party’s manifesto,” he said. He said the PF government could not succeed in achieving its goals if the technocrats were not doing what they ought to do.

He advised civil servants in the province to be loyal to the Government of the day and pay allegiance to President Lungu.

And Mr Chihili has commended President Edgar Lungu for bringing the civil servants and PF party members in the province together to harmonise their working relationship.

“There has been no harmony between the ruling party and the civil service in the province because most the civil servants had become biased towards the opposition UPND particularly during the run up to the August 11 2016 general elections,” he said.

And Dr. Kalyalya said Zambia’s foreign reserves as at December 2016 stood at K2.4 billion, representing a 3.3 months import cover.

“Once the school applies to the Ministry of General Education, ZICTA conducts tours to ascertain the eligibility of the schools that is when the computers are delivered. We give priority to schools that are usually used as examination centers so that a number of pupils can benefit from the project,” Mr Chaba said.

He said so far the ZICTA ICT project which started in 2016 had connected 12 schools in Northern, 7 in Luapula, 36 in Southern, 10 in Western, 19 in Muchinga, and 13 in Eastern province and was now remaining with Copperbelt, Lusaka and Central which were expected to be connected before the end of this year.


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