Pack up and go

Fri, 06 Jan 2017 08:04:43 +0000

…Lungu warns PF rebels

By Rogers Kalero

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has said he is eligible to stand as Patriotic Front (PF) presidential candidate in the 2021 elections and that those who are not happy with his leadership in PF should pack up and go.

In a hard-hitting speech to those opposed to his leadership of the PF, President Lungu said he was aware that some people in Luanshya and Chimwemwe in Kitwe were holding dark corner meetings to undermine his authority, but warned them that they would not succeed in their mission.

Speaking at Kalulushi South Downs airport yesterday when he arrived on a one-day visit to the Copperbelt, the President also warned some provincial leaders that he was aware that they were holding dark corner meetings with those undermining his authority.

“You are telling me that things are fine on the Copperbelt, when in actual fact you are holding dark corner meetings to say ‘Lungu has failed’. How have I failed when I have just started? You are holding meetings to backbite me, but when you see me, you say things are fine.

“I did not put myself here, it is the people who put me here. I will not allow divisive elements in the party. Those who are not happy with my leadership, they should leave the PF. Let me tell you, I was reading the PF constitution and the constitution allows me to stand in 2021. So I am eligible to stand in 2021,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu said no single individual owned PF and those who will decide to leave the PF would be replaced by other capable members of PF who would take the party to greater heights.

He said people should not overrate themselves and think they were the only ones with wisdom and knowledge because they had bigger bodies.

“Even small people have wisdom. It does not mean that because you have a bigger stomach, then you have wisdom. No, it does not work like that. We have a small Mayor of Luanshya Nathan Chanda. He is small, but people had confidence in him and they voted for him as Luanshya mayor.

“So those who think if they leave, then PF will die, they are misleading themselves because there are a lot of credible people who can take the party to greater heights. There is no blank file in PF; if you leave PF, we will fill your position. Humble yourselves and people will exalt you,” he said.

He said it was shocking that some people were trying to gang up on tribal lines, saying the Bembas were not happy with the way things were moving.

He said tribalism was retrogressive and would not build any nation, but what would build a nation was selfless, patriotic, humble and caring leadership regardless of what tribe somebody was coming from.

“This tribalism of saying ‘awe, fwe ba Bemba’ is not progressive. What is Bemba? It is just a tribe like Ngoni and other tribes. So let us build the nation together. We don’t need a tribe, we need people who will deliver on people’s needs regardless of tribe,” he said.

And President Lungu has urged small-scale and peasant farmers in Kamfinsa area of Kitwe to seek God’s guidance as they dealt with the issue of army worms, adding that Government would continue to give them pesticides to curb the spread of the pest.

The President, who went deep into the agricultural area of Kamfinsa with his motorcade, preached unity and love to all Zambians regardless of tribe, religion and political affiliation.

In the Kitwe city centre, President Lungu received a thunderous welcome from the vendors and marketeers on his way to Chisokone market to inspect repair works on the damaged shelter.

The marketeers shouted ‘Lungu, Lungu Ewabako’ meaning President Lungu is the President now and should not be disturbed.


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