People’s views on proposed legalization of marijuana in Zambia for medicinal purposes
Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:54:38 +0000
Should it be legalised?
Raphael Banda Kasinjeni: As long as it is strictly for medical purposes then it must be legalised. However, the cultivation of the plant itself must be regulated by the government. It must be given to the security wings: ZNS, Zambia Army etc. And every marijuana that is confiscated by DEC must be submitted to the very wings that will be cultivating the plant unlike destroying it.
Rhodes Chipengu: Yes, l support it because it will bring economic and medicinal benefits. Alcohol has caused more harm to humans as compared to marijuana. Many accidents and deaths on the roads are attributed more to alcohol than marijuana.
John Ndhlovu: In my view, even beer can be dangerous if abused. If the medical experts have proof that marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes, then let doctors give us proof and motivate their intentions and allow the powers to make a decision. An informed decision is always the best in my view.
Simangaliso Chileshe Dube: This would be a foolish idea for a third world country like Zambia riddled with so many problems like corruption, weak laws and lack of effective enforcement agencies. If the developed world can struggle so much with drug related problems like prostitution, drug abuse and drug-related crimes how can such a poor country like Zambia be advocating for such. Moreover, we are said to be a Christian nation and it would be against Christian values and principles.
Steve Chongo: Enough has been said about this. Do we need Trump or the West to come and say legalise for medicinal use even when the matter is straight forward. I support the move yes! Now we don’t need to decriminalise its illegal cultivation by unauthorised people. It’s not enough to let ZNS grow it but we should start consuming it illegally.
Alfred Nantichize Ntuntu: Hasn’t Peter Sinkamba spoken about this already? With me it’s a big NO. The substance has already made some Zambians mentally disturbed when illegal, what of when legalised? We would like to know the very illnesses weed cures.
John Tembo: NO! Its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. One of its disadvantages is landing in wrong hands even under security and if it can generate much revenue, why only few States have legalised it? In fact, how many countries in the world have legalised it? Maybe less than 5.
Elias Mubanga: Legalise it and let natural selection do its work. A few idiotic victims as examples and the rest will avoid it.
And when demand is low, market value goes down as well.
Matthews Andrew Banda: Economically, it could help boost our economy. If truly it also has medical benefits that can help one’s health, then of course it’s a yes. On the other hand, legalising it for people to smoke in public would not be such a great idea. We need to be seriously educated about this issue.
Joseph Mushoke Sikuka: Yes, I support the legalisation of the herb, as the world has woken up to realise the importance of this crop and its benefits in terms of medicinal properties. I can only call on our Governement to look into it as another area of revenue collection from its exports, galamukani!!
Matthews Phiri: Let them legalise it and I will advertise it because it’s good for asthma and TB. Doctors smoke it, nurses love it even the lawyers do so. We have to legalise it!
Haggai Mandala: For medicinal purpose, I say yes, however, like the doctor said it should be cultivated in controlled environments to avoid abuse.
Source: Daily Nation Zambia, Facebook Page