Police arrest 55 in Luanshya riot

Tue, 21 Mar 2017 06:21:39 +0000


KAMFINSA mobile unit police officers yesterday fought running battles with people in Luanshya Township and arrested 55 after residents ran amok and looted shops and ransacked the house of a businesswoman on suspicion that she is practicing Satanism.

Both Copperbelt Province police commissioner Charity Katanga and Luanshya mayor Nathan Chanda confirmed the development to the Daily Nation, saying only quick intervention from the police saved the unnamed woman from her assailants.

Ms. Katanga explained that one of the twins from the woman’s neighbour went missing in Mikomfwa some time ago and that on Saturday night, the irate residents who suspected the woman of superstition in her business descended on her, accusing her of being behind the child’s disappearance.

“On Saturday night, residents attacked the woman’s house on suspicion that she was behind the disappearance of the child. They accused her of Satanism, saying there was no way a person who just started business could amass so much wealth within a short period of time but police intervened and brought the situation under control.

“However, in the early hours of today (yesterday), the residents regrouped and pounced on her house once more and looted everything while attempting to set it ablaze.

“They burnt her vehicle to ashes. We arrested 55 people and the situation is calm now but police officers are still on the ground,” Ms. Katanga said.

And Mr. Chanda explained that while police concentrated on dispersing people who had thronged the woman’s house, some residents went to her shops at the main market and her guest house where they also looted everything.

“While police and some civic leaders managed to calm down the situation at her house, others took advantage and went to her shops where they looted everything.

They also went to her guest house where they did the same such that by the time we were realising what was happening, the situation was almost becoming uncontrollable as a huge crowd ran amok,” Mr. Chanda said.

He appealed to the police to immediately and thoroughly investigate the disappearance of the child while advising people not to take the law in their own hands but allow officers do their job professionally.

“Police did a very commendable job because the situation could have worsened. I appeal to the officers investigating the matter to do a thorough job.

To the residents, there is need for them to be calm because there is no guarantee that she is practicing Satanism as it stands and so, let us allow the police to do their investigations first.

“I know there is a lot of suspicion on people in business and are successful but surely, should people stop being rich because they are scared that they may be victims of such attacks? Who said Christianity is about being poor? All I can say is that let us work hard, make clean wealth and stop accusing others about things we are not sure of,” Mr. Chanda said.


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