Police should arrest UPP leader – Cozmo

Mon, 03 Apr 2017 10:40:47 +0000

THE police should take action against UPP leader Saviour Chishimba for spreading false information which has dented the image of Zambia, says Zambia Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba.

Dr Mumba said that it was not only a criminal offence for anyone to give the public false information but that Dr Chishimba had deliberately been misleading  the  nation on several sensitive matters such as the Malawi Maize-gate scandal without verifying facts, saying his actions were aimed at discrediting Government institutions.

The Zambia Revenue Authority has dispelled, with contempt, allegations by the opposition leader purporting that the authority recently dubiously awarded a K100 million contract when in fact not.

The authority said the award for the design, supply and delivery of an invoice management system was K84 million and not the purported K140 million as alleged by the UPP leader.

Dr Mumba said that the ‘‘slander’’ by the opposition leader was contemptuous and that it had the potential to damage the country’s good reputation and stated that it was directed at the leadership of President Edgar Lungu.

He has called on the police not to wait for anyone to formally complain, saying the constitution had a provision and gave them powers to take action against such individuals whose aim was to defame the Government.

“Saviour Chishimba has been cooking up information without facts which is a criminal offence, hence denting the country’s reputation.

 “ZRP would like to urge the police not to wait for anyone to formally complain as the Constitution gives them powers to charge anyone found wanting,” he said.

He said that Dr Chishimba was fond of falsely accusing State institutions, saying his actions were targeted at tarnishing the leadership of President Lungu.


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