Rainbow party dead, gone

Tue, 27 Dec 2016 10:54:56 +0000



THE Rainbow Party is dead and gone and cannot be resuscitated because its leadership has no direction and has failed to inspire Zambians, former Sinazongwe district chairperson George Bbabbi has charged.

Mr. Bbabbi told the Daily Nation that there was no individual who would remain in a party whose leaders had no direction and insight on how to make the party grow.

He said the current leadership had no zeal to provide hope for quality national leadership to the citizenry.

He said while the Rainbow party had started on a good note and commanded a good number of followers at inception, the party had plunged into a serious leadership quagmire where a few individuals had hijacked it and transformed it into a personal business entity.

He said in its current form, the Rainbow party was not going anywhere because it did not have any structures that would make it stand.

He said the party had just remained on paper without anything to offer or to inspire Zambians to believe in its ideologies.

He said he left the Rainbow Party soon after joining it because he realised he was wasting time with people who never had an idea what national leadership demanded.

He did not regret leaving the party because it had nothing to offer and was just wasting his time. “Have you ever heard of Rainbow party structures anywhere across the country? That party died a long time ago and cannot be resuscitated because its leadership has no direction and has failed to inspire Zambians.

“I joined the Rainbow Party at inception because it looked like a party that would live up to the expectations of the Zambians but look at what has happened from the time it was formed to date and see how many people have resigned or been hounded out,” he asked.

“It is sad that some people sacrificed and canvassed for the establishment of Rainbow Party because of the versatility it came with on the political scene but it is now a shell of what it used to be. “It cannot inspire anyone to join. It has no direction. In short, it only exists on paper but in practical sense, it is non-existent,” Mr. Bbabbi said.

He said politicians must realise that politics was about numbers and when people start leaving you, that is the time you need to reflect on what might have gone wrong.



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