Resolve ‘Black Mountain’  dispute – MP

Thu, 22 Dec 2016 09:47:25 +0000

By Oscar Malipenga

GOVERNMENT should immediately resolve the ownership of the infamous Kitwe ‘‘Black Mountain’’ in order for business to continue being conducted at the mine, Nkana Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament Alexander Chiteme told Parliament yesterday.

Mr Chiteme said, last week some Jerabos were arrested after clashing with police on the Copperbelt over the disputed ownership of the Black Mountain.

Supporting the budgetary allocation policy statement presented by Vice-President Inonge Wina, Mr Chiteme appealed to the Minister of Mines Christopher Yaluma and Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo to resolve the problem of ownership of the Black Mountain in Wusakile in order to avoid what transpired between the police and the Jerabos last week.

Mr Chiteme said the ownership of the Black Mountain had been a challenge to youths on the Copperbelt, particularly in Kitwe.

“Mr Chairman, our youths were arrested just the other day concerning this contentious issue of the Black Mountain. I would want to seek the intervention of the Government so that the issue of ownership of the Black Mountain can be sorted out once and for all so that the youths can continue doing business as usual on the Copperbelt,” Mr Chiteme said.


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