Respect Litunga, Angola chief advises Mbundas

Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:01:43 +0000




THE Mbunda king of Angola has called on all his subjects in Zambia to submit to the Litunga of Barotseland, saying those chiefs who find it hard to do so should migrate back to Mbundaland in Angola where they have their rightful claim to land.

King Mbandu III, Mbandu Lifuti, said the Mbunda Royal Establishment and its council recently setup in Zambia could not hold water because the conceived seniority of Chief Chiyengele was bestowed on him by Litunga Mulambwa under the defunct Mulambwa/Chiyengele Treaty, the same Litungaship and Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) being despised today.

He said this in a royal communique availed to all Mbundas in Zambia, refugees, settlers and copied to the Angolan ambassador in Zambia and chiefs, through the national chairman of the Cheke Cha Mbunda Cultural and Writers Association.

After recounting the migration of the Mbunda people to Barotseland, the Mbunda king lashed out at the ‘‘disobedient’’ activities perpetuated by some Mbundas who allegedly embarked on a campaign to discredit the Litunga and the Lozis of Barotseland on allegations that they were humiliated.

He said the leadership of the so-called Mbunda Royal Establishment in Zambia was likely to bring divisions between the other chiefs and their subjects, especially with the relapse of the Mulambwa/Chiyengele oral treaty which recognized Chief Chiyengele as senior Mbunda chief.

King Mbandu maintained that no Mbunda chief had powers or authority over the other in Barotseland of Zambia, saying the only binding authority on all Mbunda chiefs and Mbunda people in Zambia was through a signed agreement by all Mbunda chiefs, with his blessing as the 23rd Mbunda monarch in Angola.

“In this regard, it is equally worth noting as eluded that each Mbunda chief in Zambia migrated to Baroseland from Mbundaland, now in Angola in different circumstances.

‘‘Some, seeking land of settlement after differences with the Mbunda monarch, others merely seeking green pasture, and as a result they were all given lands of settlement in their different areas of jurisdiction, but accountable to the overall custodian of that land being the Litunga,” he explained.

The king reiterated that the Mbunda Royal Establishment in Zambia did not seek the blessings of the current Mbunda monarch where the Mbunda Kingdom Research and Advisory Council exists and oversees the establishments in other areas where the Mbunda speaking people were found.

He said the Mbunda Royal Establishment was allegedly conceived by Chief Chiyengele alone without consultation with other eight Mbunda chiefs in Zambia.

“I therefore on behalf of the Mbunda kingdom and advisory council with the monitoring of the two governments of Angola and Zambia appeal to Chief Chiyengele and those following him to take this advice so as to come to Yambayamba Palace in Lumbala Nguimbo, Angola, to constitute a delegation which will meet with the Litunga and the BRE and together to find ways to re-establish the Mulambwa-Chiyengele Friendship Treaty which has been torn to pieces by some unscrupulous leaders in both camps,” the letter read in part.

And Cheke Cha Mbunda Cultural and Writers Association publicity secretary Sifuniso Nyumbu said the association had tried to advise those few Mbundas who were bringing confusion in the country but to no avail.

Mr Nyumbu said the association would remain committed to the promotion of peace, tranquility and good neighborliness in Zambia and Western Province in particular.


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