Richard Sakala calls for inquiry into Task Force operations

Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:15:49 +0000


By Chintu Malambo

REGINA Chifunda Chiluba will be remembered for her hard work and immense contribution to politics, a male dominated field, minister of Religious affairs and National Guidance and Godfridah Sumaili has said.

And former press aide in the Chiluba administration Richard Sakala has suggested that the best and most appropriate tribute to Regina and those who suffered tribulation should be an open inquiry, a truth and reconciliation inquiry to determine the circumstances under which the rule of law was so blatantly subverted as to have landed her and others into Chimbokaila.

Speaking during the funeral service of Regina Chiluba at the Cathedral of the Holy cross in Lusaka yesterday, Mr. Sakala said there was no justification whatsoever for her to have ended up in courts of law and ultimately prison on contrived charges that were predictably thrown out.

“Let there be no doubt that in the seven years between 2001 and 2007 a pure reign of terror prevailed in which many citizens lost property, including houses, motor vehicles, offices, assets, liberty and some their very lives, because of the tumultuous and intimidatory campaign that was launched under the guise of the fight against corruption,” he said.

Mr. Sakala, also suggested that persecution of former presidents should stop because it may have an effect on their health later in life.

Mr. Sakala said the tribulations that the late president Chiluba suffered took a great toll on his health as a result of the psychological pressure, physical humiliation, taunting and rigors of court processes.

Mr. Sakala said the courage, resilience and fortitude that Regina displayed in supporting the late president in his time of deep darkness was outstanding.

He said Regina was much stronger than the late President and she often intoned, “Fyalapita”.

And Reverend Godfridah Sumaili, who represented the government, said the death of Mrs. Chiluba was a great loss to the nation and the bereaved family at large. She said Mrs. Chiluba’s efforts to serve the nation where seen through the support she gave her husband in the early formation of mmd where she served as the chairperson in 2002.

Rev. Regina Chiluba died on the 26th of February and was put to rest on the 4th of March 2017 at New Leopards Hill Memorial park.


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