Sata reveals military recruitment

Sat, 01 Dec 2012 16:11:07 +0000

President Michael Sata yesterday revealed that a shadowy group the Barotse Liberation Army, was recruiting retired soldiers and policemen to mount an insurrection in Western Province.

Speaking at the 15th command and staff course graduation of 62 officers at the Mulungushi Conference Centre President Sata said he was aware that the  group had recruited over 600 people to their cause.

He has now ordered security commanders to immediately mobilize and neutralize the recruitment effort, which he said could easily plunge the country into chaos.

He warned Zambians against taking the peace they enjoyed for granted because it could be lost if no effort was made to preserve it, “ the country should not be very comfortable with the peace it is currently enjoying as there are some individuals who are trying hard to destabilize the country’s peace.” He said.

He urged the Defence Forces to use force if the need arose because the preservation of the country’s peace was more important to the well being of the people ofZambia..

The President challenged the Defence Forces to be professional  and disciplined to rise to the needs of the country

 Speaking at the same occasion the President ordered Defence Minister Mr. Geffrey Mwamba to to travel to  the Democratic Republic Congo to meet his counterpart and the Commanders to discuss the situation in the country, which  threatened for spill over effect into Zambia.

Zambia, he said, respected the principle of non-interferance in international affairs and therefore did not wish to get involved in the internal situation ofCongo.

Recently  more than 1,000 refugees  from DRC have fled intoZambia.


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