Serve people first, MUZ tells councillors
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 08:35:17 +0000
MINERS elected as councillors on the tickets of various political parties should exhibit maturity, discipline and ensure that they serve the interests of the people who elected them into office, says Mineworkers Union of Zambia president Nkole Chishimba.
Speaking during the supreme council meeting where he introduced five MUZ members who were elected as councillors during the August 11 elections, Mr Chishimba said he was happy that his union had produced five councillors in the last elections, but advised them to provide quality leadership in order to bring joy and pride to the ‘‘mighty’’ MUZ.
The five are Donald Mwape, Patriotic Front (PF) Chitimukulu ward; Nelly Kilembe, PF; James Phiri and Boyd Soko, PF Kamima ward in Chililabombwe district.
Others were Williamson Bwalya, PF in Chingola and Chifunga Shimishi of Buseko ward in Kalulushi under the opposition UPND.
Mr Chishimba said the five MUZ members who were elected to the positions of councillors should not engage themselves in scandalous activities that would bring shame to the union, but they should provide leadership to improve people’s lives in their areas.
“You were elected by the people because they had confidence in you that you can deliver on your campaign promises and so you should put the interest of the people first. As MUZ, we expect you to bring joy and pride to MUZ by providing quality leadership.
“We don’t expect you to involve yourselves in scandalous activities, but to exhibit maturity, discipline and ensure that you serve the interest of the people who elected you into office. You were not elected to serve your personal interest,” Mr Chishimba said.
And Mr Chishimba, who is also Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) president, said MUZ was happy that the 2017 national Budget addressed the energy shortage in the country by promoting the use of solar, thermal power and the upgrading and construction of hydro power stations such as Kafue Gorge, Batoka Gorge and Kalungwishi.
“We also commend Government for commencing discussions with mining houses and other bulk consumers to ensure that they start migrating towards cost reflective tariffs in 2017.
‘‘While we appreciate efforts to attract private sector investment in energy, domestic consumers should not be the only to bear the brunt of cost reflective tariffs,” he said.