Siame shines at police sports awards

Sun, 19 Feb 2017 11:03:21 +0000



ZAMBIA’s world fastest young athlete and Youth Olympic gold medalist Sydney Siame was the centre of attention at the seventh Zambia Police Awards held in Lusaka after scooping the 2016 Zambia Police Sports man of the year Award.

Siame 19, also scooped the 2016 athlete of the year award for his great performance in the 2016 Zambia Amateur Athletics Association calendar.

And speaking after receiving the two awards Siame commended the police service for appreciating athletes in the service.

He however called on the Inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja who was guest of honor at the awards ceremony to consider recruiting more sports men and women in the police service.

“It is my honour and privilege to stand before you as a simple athlete to give nothing but a vote of thanks on what has been organized through the national sports coordinator,

“It is my humble appeal to you the IG that in the near future when there is recruitment, let sports men and women be considered into the service,” Siame said.

Meanwhile in a speech read on his behalf by Commissioner of Police in charge of Administration Stanwell Lungu, Kanganja said the police service will remain committed to contributing to the development of sports in the service.

He noted that sports was crucial for police officers as it helped in combating crime effectively.

“Let me assure you of my endeavored commitment to ensuring that the resources are rationalized to include the sports directorate where possible,

“As an institution, we commit to ensuring that the enhancement of sports in 2017 is prioritized. This will not only accrue to administration requirement of sports but will also accrue to the individual sports men and women on the grassroots,” Kanganja said.

And Zambia police national sports coordinator Adrian Kashala commended his superiors for their support in contributing to the development of sports in the service.

He noted that 2016 was a successful year for the service in terms of sports despite the service facing funding challenges.

Other players who were recognized during the award ceremony are Nkwazi Football Club’s Kennedy Nketani who was the 2016 footballer of the year while Steward Chikandiwa scooped the top  Michael Bwalya scooped the most disciplined footballer of the year award with Makasa Kalaba walking away with the youngest player of the year award.



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