Sinkamba wants Lungu in the race for 2021

Mon, 09 Jan 2017 10:18:05 +0000



GREEN Party president Peter Sinkamba has endorsed the candidature of President Edgar Lungu for 2021 general elections, declaring that his decision was to make the presidential election more competitive.

Mr Sinkamba claimed that he was convinced that he would defeat President Lungu because the majority of country’s population had understood his party’s manifesto.

“When I spoke of legalising marijuana some people thought it I was only encouraging smoking but they had now come to understand what I meant,” Mr Sinkamba said.

He has further indicated that he was also convinced that he would carry the day if he went into a presidential race with President Lungu because most of the population that supported his agenda were the generation Y who were not eligible to vote at that time.

Mr Sinkamba added that but now come 2021, they would be eligible to vote and his party would rely on that population group to beat President Lungu

He said the population group which supported Lungu in the August 11 were a generation X and by 2021 they would be  far defeated  in terms of population group so that gave him more confidence of battling it out with President Lungu in the next general elections.

Mr Sinkamba said his party would soon start mobilising itself country wide so that people know and understand its manifesto.

He said those who wish to challenge President Lungu’s candidature should go to the Constitutional Court for interpretation on whether or not President Lungu was eligible to contest in 2021 but that he, Mr Sinkamba, had no problem with President Lungu contesting in 2021.


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