Society Park cracks down on pick-pockets

Thu, 13 Apr 2017 10:47:06 +0000




SHOPPERS at Society Business Park in Lusaka have commended management for working in collaboration with other security wings to improve security at the shopping mall, one of the biggest in the city.

Shoppers had earlier complained about street kids who roamed the premises and were harassing them through pick-pocketing.

A check by the Daily Nation found that the number of street kids at the mall had reduced and security had been tightened.

One of the shoppers Mildred Chanda said the area was now safe after authorities intervened and swept out the youths who were always roaming the area begging and stealing from unsuspecting shoppers.

Ms Chanda said in the past many residents were afraid to shop from the supermarkets in the mall during late hours for fear of being mugged by young vandals.

She thanked the administrators of the park for removing the street kids from the area because they were scaring away customers, especially foreigners.

“We were not safe as customers at this park. We thank management for the quick response by putting up security measures and for removing the street kids from the park although some are still there,” she said.

Another concerned citizen Lawrence Mubanga said it was wrong for people to continue giving alms to the street kids during the day who were a threat during the night as they turned into thieves and attacked people.

Mr Mubanga noted that though the business park was strategically located in the central business distric, there was need to improve the security situation. He appealed to the management to beef up security at the mall during this long holiday as the street kids will be all over town. He also advised shoppers to avoid going there in the night for their safety.

Mr Mubanga said women were especially at risk as the street kids even attempted to rob and rape them.   “I have been a victim of pick-pocketing at the place including other places in town and I am appealing to relevant authorities to rectify the situation,” said Mr Mubanga.



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