Some employers demand bribes and sexual favours

Fri, 07 Apr 2017 11:55:06 +0000


 YOUTHS in Lusaka have complained about some companies in the heavy industrial area that do not offer employment on merit.

Instead they demand bribes and sexual favours from the men and women looking for employment respectively.

Family Tree in Zambia general overseer Clever Mambalakata said that the youths had also been negatively affected by tribalism and corruption practiced by the same employers.

“Women are being asked for sexual favours for them to secure employment in some industries and companies,” he said

Mr Mambalakata said that youths had challenges in getting employed because some employers asked for a bribe to be considered for a job.

“For the young ladies if they are not willing to start an affair with the w9ould-be employers, , they  face a daunting challenge because some of them have strong Christian background,” he said

He further said when the youths got employed by way of paying a bribe, they remained condemned to the same vice and have to party with some money at every month end.

“Unfortunately the ladies who are employed are made to agree to start affairs are and are usually sacked after some months of working so that fresh line of ladies can be introduced for new relationships,” he said

He further explained that such practices also effected the development of Zambia because people were not employed on merit.

Mr Mambalakata said that such practices have contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

“We appeal to the government to find a way of protecting our youth from these employers,” he said.


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