Mon, 10 Apr 2017 09:55:23 +0000


By Simon Muntemba


Disgraced and highly discredited liar UPP leader Saviour Chishimba now claims that the state has unleased agents to eliminate him.

Dr. Chishimba claims he is in hiding after escaping what he termed as a drag net of armed men in suits.

“They are after my life, please help by praying and fasting for me.” He has claimed.

But close associates fear that Dr. Chishimba has become hallucinatory, “These things have happened before, perhaps Government should seek help for him.”

Dr. Chishimba has been making serious charges of corruption resulting in Zesco suing him for K500million after claiming that a contract still under consideration had already been corruptly awarded.

He was also behind the Malawi maize gate scandal which the Zambian Government dismissed as false and unfounded.

But writing on his Facebook Dr. Chishimba has said “Fellow comrades in the fight for justice and members of the international community, I have had to go into hiding after escaping a drag net of armed men in suits. I had received information earlier, but I ignored it,” he said.

He wrote on his official Facebook page urging his sympathizers to intensify prayer and fasting for him, adding that God would surely strike all who seek his innocent blood.

“It is not a crime to demand for transparency and accountability from our leaders. One sure thing is that I shall not die, but live to declare the works of the Lord in Zambia and in as many nations as the Lord God of Heaven has given me. I am made for signs and wonders from the Lord,” the UPP leader stated.

The UPP leader charged that the people of Zambia were suffering because of corruption and God demands justice for all.

“Why can’t State resources be deployed to serve the people who are suffering instead of pursuing an innocent citizen? Demanding K100 billion (US$10 billion) from a political party?” asked Dr. Chishimba.

He disclosed that he was now wiser and smarter than ever and that if it was his sensitive documents they were after, they would not get them because they were well secured.

“If it is the evidence you want to destroy, make no mistake, it is secure in a place you cannot enter. We were not born yesterday to keep critical documents in our houses or offices,” he bragged.

He disclosed that he is now wiser and smarter than ever and that if it was his sensitive documents they are after, they would not get them because they are well secured.

“The two laptops and a few documents that you stole, after an illegal entry into my house, are the very last ever! I am now wiser and smarter,” he boasted.


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