Tempting Fate

Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:17:47 +0000


What happened in Mongu was totally unnecessary and certainly avoidable.

There was no need to transform a traditional ceremony into a political

Indeed there was no need to inflame feelings and tempers by misplaced political rhetoric that served to fan what was otherwise and apolitical and certainly non-contentious ceremony.

If anything the Lindunganyambo, the
cessationist group were perhaps the most potent force of conflict that the security detail was obviously looking out for and not from the leadership of the UPND.

Earlier reports had indeed indicated that anti-Kuomboka fliers had been circulating in Mongu warning the populace against attending this years ceremony.

Quite rightly the Barotse Royal Establishment disregarded the warnings and proceeded to make arrangements for the Kuomboka that really turned out to be magnificent dignified and a true reflection of what the
ceremony stands for.

It was therefore out of place that UPND leader Hichilema would use the occasion to propagate his misplaced mantra suggesting that he was destined for state house.

He told Mongu residents and was quoted as stating, “We are very close, every day Edgar Lungu wakes up his days are getting fewer and ours are getting closer to going into state house.”  He did not say by what mechanism he would get into state house considering that the next elections are not until 2021.  He went on to state that people who attended the Kuomboka ceremony at Limulunga left upon seeing him leave because they were not in support of President Lungu.

Firstly the ceremony was not about President Lungu who was just a guest of the
Barotse Royal Establishment.  The ceremony and focus was the rich tradition of the Lozi speaking people celebrated to honour the
illustrious history of the people.

Secondly the majority of the people who attended many of them travelling from long distances from within and outside Zambia did so to pay homage to their birthright.

Politics was the last thing on their minds and President Lungu who was an honoured guest like all previous president who have
attended the ceremony.

There is no doubt that President Lungu was fully aware that Western Province was a stronghold of the UPND and given the secessionist threat there was a possibility of
public dissent but this did not deter him from
accepting the Litunga’s invitation.

This is as it should be because democracy thrives on diversity because in it we derive strength and national unity.

The suggestion therefore that there was a public walk out in form of a political manifestation takes away from the ceremony and the BRE has rightly pointed out that no such event took place.  That is why it is very difficult to believe that the disregard for President Lungu’s motorcade when the upnd refused to yield to the presidential motorcade was not intended and particularly meant to demean the President.

For whatever dubious benefit the road race achieved the outcome will have far reaching repercussions which may never have been envisaged by those who chose to disregard etiquette and Zambian protocol which determines and imposes decorum on conduct.

The brazen disregard to normal traffic
control which stipulates yielding to sirens, ambulances and motorcades.

We warned against tempting fate but
sadly our admonition was disregarded.

Fortunately no life was lost.


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