Sun, 15 Jan 2017 10:31:35 +0000

Govt technocrats frustrating e-voucher programme 


I am convinced without a doubt that there are technocrats within the PF government that are frustrating the E-voucher programme in Chipata district. There is a pending chaos if central government doesn’t intervene.

Steve Mazyopa, Chipata



Advice to local musicians



It is disheartening to hear our own musicians insulting the President indirectly in their songs. This can’t be condoned and it needs to be made clear. Please Zambian musicians, don’t sing of what you don’t know! It will be shameful when the law takes its course. Be like Petersen who sings mind resurrecting songs when it comes to politics even though he mocks politicians.

Remmy Lumina


Kalu now a sacrificial lamb


The condemnation of Kalu’s low vote for Kalaba has been misplaced because his vote ultimately made no difference for Kalaba who came out third. For crying out loud, Onyango got 252 votes, Billiat got 228 votes and Kalaba got 206 votes. Let’s just be practical!

Daniel, Lusaka



Transport industry needs


We arrived at Intercity bus terminal at 08:40 in the morning to catch a bus to Livingstone. We approached a few bus companies who told us their prices and departure times. We then chose a good looking bus that said it would leave at 9:30 but until 11:30, the bus still hadn’t departed. We complained bitterly but to no avail. The bus station and Government should step in to ensure timeliness and a smooth operation is adhered to. This company has wasted people’s precious time. Zambians deserve better.




Why condemn Kalu?



Those who are condemning great Kalu are being ignorant and don’t know football. We are not talking about Kalaba’s playing career but we are reviewing the year 2016 and how each player performed both at club and country level. Those two players performed well!

Mukosha Makoti, Lusaka






The argument that has been put up by the MMD party National Secretary about the help PF got from MMD shouldn’t be the issue today. The President did acknowledge the votes they got from MMD. What more does Mr. Nakacinda want? Such remarks from a respected MMD chief can create disharmony between the two parties. What we should know is that it is not coalition government. These remarks are supposed to come from an opposition party such as UPND and not MMD.

Patriotic citizen



ZESCO load shedding appalling


I just do not know how many times ZESCO will cheat its customers on load shedding. I live in Matero and two days ago power went around 13.00 hours and only came back well after 23.00 hours. Does that translate into the famous 4 hours we have been told? Can the company please explain latest status on load shedding instead of leaving people to guess work? It hurts.

Frustrated ZESCO customer


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