Tue, 20 Dec 2016 10:37:06 +0000
Brian mulilo is an impersonator and contemptous
Dear Editor,
In reaction to the alleged media statement by Mr. Brian Mulilo in The Mast newspaper edition dated 17th December 2016, where Mr. Brian Mulilo decided to impersonate himself as Mufulira District, Patriotic Front Youth Chairman and further went on to scandalize our Republican and Patriotic Front President, His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, we would like to firstly inform the nation that Mr. Brian Mulilo is not by any means the Mufulira District Patriotic Front Youth Chairperson and does not represent the views of the youths in our district. Furthermore Mr. Mulilo does not hold any position in any PF party structure and at no given time was there an outside court settlement. Such statements are slanderous, baseless and libellous designed to provide unwarranted acrimony. Mr. Brian Mulilo seized to be District Youth Chairman in October 2014. Mr. Brian Mulilo is simply a delusional impersonator whose discourse should be considered contemptuous.
We are fully aware that Mr. Mulilo is in the business of issuing confabulating rhetoric to suit his paymasters and as youths in the district, we firmly stand not to support and neither take lightly his new found hobby. Furthermore we would like to remind Mr. Mulilo not to forget that he is biting the fingers that feed him. He should not forget that he is working for a government entity. Mr Mulilo should instead reflect on circumstances that led to his expulsion in the party district committee.
Going forward we would like to inform the nation that we have since reported the matter of impersonation and scandalizing of our beloved President by the deluded Mr. Mulilo to the police. We urge the Police to take stern action against such acrimony. Furthermore we call on Hon. Kazhiya as Minister of Water and Sanitation and custodian of all Water Utilities to enforce the directive by His Excellency the President on erring public servants who undermine the Head of State and Government functionalities to flush out Mr.Mulilo from Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company failure to which we as youths will use any means possible to ensure that such behaviour is not condoned. As Youths we should realize that our freedom of opinion should be self managed and anyone found wanting is prone to austere action.
May I make it utterly clear that as Youths of Mufulira District and as Patriotic Front mufulira District Youth Chairman, we fully support His Excellency, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungus’ vision in steering our beloved nation to economic greatness.
PF is bigger than any individual and hence all well meaning party members should promote togetherness and should not divulge in actions that undermine our party leaders and especially the Head of State as he is the Father of our nation. Our President is the President for all Zambians regardless of ethnicity, tribe or political inclination. All PF members should welcome new members with open arms and embrace our Presidents call for togetherness. PF Youths should engage in positive dialogue to enhance capacity building in one another unlike stooping to levels that promote hate speech and incivility.
Victor M. Mithi
Petition against the UPND’s unruly and violent behavior
Dear Editor,
I AM a Zambian citizen who is living in fear of the political party mentioned above, due to its perpetual violent behavior in public.
On a number of occasions, the UPND have engaged in unruly behavior and violence especially during the electoral campaigns, as well as during the 2016 elections and after.
During the campaigns, the UPND made it very difficult for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to prepare for elections as they were waylaying convoys distributing electoral material throughout the Country.
The UPND also disobeyed the orders of the police not to have certain meetings and gatherings which resulted in the damage of property as well as citizens being injured, while some died.
During the elections, the UPND disrupted the counting of votes in some centers, as well as the activities at Mulungushi Conference Center where the presidential results were being announced by ECZ.
After elections, the UPND have continued to be unruly, protesting against the electoral results which were declared free and fair by both local and international observers.
The UPND and its leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, have refused to accept the results of the elections and have repeatedly refused to recognize the democratically elected and legitimate President Lungu.
I appreciate the UPND and its leadership for using the provisions of the law to seek redress of the last election through the courts of law, unfortunately their continuous unruly and violent behavior which caused damage to property and injuries on citizens, is a serious source of concern.
Any reasonable patriotic Zambian must be living in fear of the UPND because at times they even attack citizens who seem opposed to their agenda and I am one of the victims.
One of the functions of your office is to regulate the operations of registered societies in order to enforce the provisions of Societies Act, Cap 119 of the Laws of Zambia, however, I am concerned that, you don’t seem to be acting upon the UPND and other political parties who abrogate the provision of the Act cited and the Constitution of Zambia.
Our Constitution clearly guides on how political parties should conduct themselves. Article 60 (3)(b) clearly states that:
“A political party shall not engage in or encourage violence or intimidate its members, supporters, opponents or other persons;”
The UPND are not abiding by the either the Act under which they were registered as well as the laws of the land.
Therefore, I humbly ask you to invoke the provisions of the Societies Act, Cap 119 of the Laws of Zambia, but not limited to, Section 13 (2) which states that: “The Registrar may, in his discretion, cancel at any time the registration of any society effected under the provisions of section seven if he is satisfied that it is expedient so to do on the ground that the terms of the constitution or rules of such society are, in his opinion, in any respect repugnant to or inconsistent with the provisions of any law for the time being in force in Zambia”
This should be done in the interest of the peace and order of our Country. Deregistering the UPND will also serve as a lesson to other political parties who engage in violence. The Registrar of Societies should be seen to be performing all its functions to protect the interests and well-being of citizens otherwise citizens, especially the youths, are left vulnerable for abuse by those with insatiable appetite for power, disregarding our democratic practices.
Chilufya Tayali
Where is the Mayor of Lusaka?
Dear Editor ,
It has become imperative that the leadership of the ruling patriotic Front intervene by disciplining the mayor of Lusaka for incompetence.
It cannot be business as usual while the residents of Lusaka are craving for practical solutions to issues of garbage collection, proper city roads and road drainages in the city. Did he offer himself to be mayor just to be sitting in the office? If he is accustomed to working in luxurious offices, why didn’t he apply for jobs in banks or embassies?
Why should the party allow such sub-standard performance from a mayor of Lusaka when the mayor of the City of Kitwe, his worship Christopher Kan’gombe has raised the bar?
Why not use the performance of the Kitwe mayor as a benchmark for all mayors? Lusaka needs a proactive mayor. There are so many business houses in the central business district that need to be mobilised to unblock the drainage system, paint buildings and turn the city green.
Let him invite me if he is failing to organise, mobilise and present a business case for the city. We cannot continue to be wading through dirty pools of water every day right in the central business district the way we seem to have gotten used to living with garbage.
It is high time the residents of Lusaka demanded dedication to duty from our elected civic leaders. If there is such a thing as swapping mayors, we would have asked our brothers and sisters in Kitwe to give us the hardworking Kan’gombe and we give them Wilson Kalumba, not because they don’t want development themselves but because they can man him up.
It is annoying that it has to come to lobbying and complaining just to push the Lusaka mayor to work. I appeal to both the President and the Minister of Local Government to facilitate training for civic duties. Kalumba does not seem to understand his role.
For now I can simply ask, where is the Mayor of Lusaka?
Enock chull