Fri, 30 Dec 2016 11:54:44 +0000

Stop insulting President Lungu on social media

Dear Editor,

It is very disheartening and disgusting to see how some disgruntled and misguided Zambians are busy insulting Republican President Edgar Chagwa Lungu on social media.

It is also shameful to see people engage in debates using disparaging remarks against those who don’t agree with what they post.

One wonders if this country is a Christian nation. What future are we creating for Zambia?

What type of parents will this country have in 10 or 20 years from today? I believe that we can agree to disagree in a good way.

By the way whether one voted for President Lungu or not, at the moment he is the president, hence we all should respect the office he holds on behalf of the more than 14 million Zambians.

Let us use social media to interact in a sober and mature manner.


Timothy Kambilima


Church worst performer in 2016

Dear Editor,

I wish to agree more with Bishop John Mambo (RTD) that 2016 was a bumpy year in Zambia’s history.

While indeed there were explanations as to why some issues went askew, I feel at the bottom or worst performer in 2016 was the Church.

The Church, instead of praying for companies to pay taxes so that poor Zambians could have decent lives, they were in the forefront defending tax evaders.

Instead of the Church supporting President Lungu on the construction of a Prayer House, they were again ring leaders in condemning the project.

The Church instead of praying for miracles, to ask God to give us rains to run our hydro power stations, they were busy asking for offerings, seeds (money) to sow) and many  other cash donations.

Yes how can I forget that expensive anointed oil, brooms, underwear and water of life which came at price in our churches? Fake prophets were also awash.

As if that was not bad enough many pastors appeared in courts of law on sex offences and adultery instead of being good and shining examples to the nation.

Many self-styled Bishops suddenly decided to be the people’s spokespersons by entering politics instead of saving souls which they failed lamentably. Just how at how many youths today have become incorrigibles?

The roam drinking places like it is nobody’s business to indulge in sorts of vices such as alcohol, sex, drugs, stealing and many others. Where is the Church?

Some pastors own private jets while their followers sleep on empty stomach due to stinging poverty; surly God is counting their tears.

For me the Church is at the bottom of the ladder of performance in 2016 and I hope it can change in 2017.


Josiah Soko

Salima Road, Matero


Some South chiefs walking on soft ground over farming inputs

Dear Editor

If it is true that some chiefs in Southern Province are stopping their subjects from accessing farming input, then that is indeed a sad development.

If the idea is punish the PF government, I wish to advise these misguided chiefs that it not PF whose stomachs will ramble to hunger, it is them and their subject.

What is the point of these chiefs in deciding to shoot themselves in the feet because it is the PF or President Lungu who will suffer in the even that innocent people do not plant crops this year?

In fact chiefs should be arrest because what they are doing is evil against humanity.

We know that these chiefs must sure be on the payroll on some politicians hell-bent to bring confusion in Zambia.

But why target innocent people who probably have nothing to do with politics to suffer the consequences of their losses.

The majority of Zambians depend on farming for their survival so for anyone to stop people from acquiring inputs it is not only cruel but that can only come straight from the Devil himself.

Just how do you tell people not to plant when God gave them stomachs to fill up on daily basis and these are the same people which they want to vote for them?

Whichever chief is doing this should face the wrath of the law because that is telling to commit suicide. That is misdemeanour.

This is why chiefs have always been advised to stay away from politics because they look after people regarded less of their political affiliation.

Those who want to deliberate make a date with hunger should not be tolerated in this country. They are enemies of progress and Zambia at large.

I think these politicians are taking their political funeral a little bit too far. The same people they want to starve will be needed by them in 2021.

I hope police can visit those chiefs breaking the law and bring them to book.

Aston Mwalito


Political parties urged to hold conventions

Dear Editor,

As we come to end of 2016 I wish to make an earnest ap0peal to all political parties to seriously plan for their conventions so that they can get fresh mandate from their people.

To hold on party posts as if they are life-supporting machines even when we know some of our leaders have out-lived their usefulness is being despotic.

Specifically I want to see UNIP, UPND, PP, Heritage Party and many others to follow NAREP’s steps which held theirs recently.

That is the only way forward and a sure way of avoiding recycling politicians for a better Zambia.

Those who shun conventions should be treated with suspicion they so deserve and one can easily surmise that they have evil intentions. God’s time is always the best time.

Mike Safelino, Chawama


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