Tue, 17 Jan 2017 08:21:00 +0000
HH claims border on treason
Dear Editor
I think many of us have had enough of HH loss ranting which actually border on treason.
To continue crying like a child that he won the August 11 presidential elections when the office was duly occupied by Mr Edgar Lungu is asking for favours from the Devil himself.
I must admit that in our lives there will always be some people who drive us nuts! And they are exhausting, frustrating and annoying to deal with.
But it is clear that HH is living in his own world and sounds a lot more hateful and sadly just terribly depressed.
Nothing will change what is on the ground. Let him just start preparing for 2021 which might also be subtle for him if he does not put his acts together.
Like I have earlier stated, HH may just end up being a codependent and we all know that codependents are always bossy and often times they will tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Totalitarians.
I can only imagine the type of dreams that HH is having since that loss.
If he does not handle himself properly, especially by not turning to God, he will find life tremendously hard and full of rebuffs.
HH should simply own up to his truth instead of being afraid to be ingenuous and he will win empathy from many Zambians.
Someone should tell him that Southern Provinces alone cannot take him to State House, even with the help of his cousins in Western and North-Western Provinces because their numbers are low. This is the naked reality.
But for him to continue claiming that he won last year’s presidential elections is not only wishful thinking but he could also be committing a serious misdemeanour which could land him in prison.
There is time for everything and not all days could be Sundays. There is a limit he can insult or push President Lungu.
HH will remember my words sooner or later.
Josiah Soko
Salima Road, Matero
Respect for the Press cardinal
Dear Editor,
Traditionally, all state maiden press conferences and farewell speeches are characterized by words of gratitude, reconciliation, hope giving and most importantly inspirational.
If Dr. Hook was asked to sing about them, he would call them, “the sweetest of all”.
Alas for the U.S. President elect Donald trump, the maiden press conference, besides having no arranged protocol, appeared confrontational from the onset with a serious attack on the press, for whom the conference was held and forgetting that the first words are the loudest.
Some commentators termed the question time as disrespectful on part of the press to the Presidency, and yet it was Trump himself who did not attempt to make friends with the press from his attitude because forgiveness is a powerful weapon in leadership.
In one’s life, when you ask for public office, there is every need to change because circumstances demand so, and you need composure that go with the office you occupy.
What Trumps seems not to know is that the press has no duty to please anyone, but instead they have to inform everyone. So, whatever he is going to do or say in his new life will be work for the press.
Therefore, if he has to avoid the press, he should not do or say anything, unfortunately for him, the Presidency has to do with acting and talking, therefore again, he just has to act and talk right so that he is right business for the press.
From Trump’s press conference remarks, I would like to commend as follows:-
- On the border wall, it defeats logic to expect Mexico to reimburse the cost on a project which is not the concept.
- The Obamacare was not discriminatory, but the Trump ‘Medical care’ is mainly for the veterans with no clear implementation plan.
- The setting up of new factories in the USA is not only peculiar to his leadership because investors are found even in the worst countries of the world for long as the trail there has a ripe. While, bragging about job creation in these factories for American is a big doubt, because investors will always demand cheap labour which Americans will not be ready to offer and the Mexicans will be available.
- Trump never exonerated anyone from hacking, except that the Republicans had knowledge about it and protected themselves adequately, which in itself is conspiracy with the hacker and by this act the long segment of the former USSR has the potential to weaken the US.
What also caught my serious attention was the drama for parading Trumps Attorney to exhibit business transfer bundles and announcing his resignation from the Trump organization. The Trump Trust will not in any conceivable logic, divorce the person Donald Trump from the organization, his sons are and will forever be under his control and it is all a paper smart transfer of business. Whereas, earlier in the day, president Obama in his farewell address, the crowds around roared, standing for extended ovations, the audience including the Obama family shade tears, not of joy but grief and there was repeated interruptions with what seemed like, hoping the President election results were reserved by miracle. And it was like Dr. Hook is still saying, “the sweetest of all” farewell address.
But, watching the two episodes, I remain in awe, because the Americans did not realise the Republican beauty is the hackers play thing.
Adeodatus Matafwali
Exodus of Players at ZANACO
Dear Editor
The massive exodus of dependable football players at ZANACO, the 2016 premier league champions of Zambia is not strange.
Football in Zambia is not a profit making venture hence most sponsors cannot pay the players very well.
This is the reason that even the management at ZANACO is allowing players to leave the club for greener pastures with their blessings.
ZANACO will be playing in the CAF Champions League this year. Every player wishes to play football at the highest level.
Nonetheless, football is a short-lived career and all footballers know this fact. This is reason most of them cannot resist any offer to earn good money.
I hope ZANACO will be able to recruit good players from within and around Africa using the transfer fees for the sold players.
We wish all the players who have migrated all the best and hope they will invest their earnings in the Zambian economy.
We need to commercialise our league to retain and attract good players.
As things stand no Zambian team can declare any profits after the season ended.
Football is no longer just a game, it is a huge business that employs a lot of people directly and indirectly.
Wisdom Kaunda