Today's letters

Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:28:44 +0000

Ambassador Joe Mwale should read new Constitution

Dear Editor


The list of those people gritty to mislead the masses over President Lungu’s 2021 eligibility appears to be growing by the day.

Not to be outdone today we have Mr Joe Mwale, a former ambassador whom I have known and respected for many years because of his standing in society and the way he articulates issues in public domain.

But today I beg to differ with him on this one. There is nothing like a Third Term bid for President Lungu if Mr Mwale had cared to read the new Constitution.

The trouble is that too many people out there have not really taken time to read the new Constitution to behave sensibly like our famous Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) which has decided to stay out the smoking kitchen.

Admittedly too there are some people who hate President Lungu for being who is today. These are the resentful lot, especially from the opposition camps.

It is interesting to note that Mr Lungu’s mere announcement of his intention to contest the 2021 presidential elections based on the new constitution has really petrified nearly all political opposition leaders.

Is it because they really do not have an iota of a chance to beat ECL? Sounds more like it.

However, for me, the fright is most annoying and naked truth which has gone to some of our frustrated Zambians, especially politicians to transform the issue into third term for it to receive a formidable resistance, naturally.

But this time round they have their pegs in the wrong place. I beg them to read the new constitution thoroughly before making what I may term desolate comments which border on nothing. Indeed, some wise opposition leaders have already taken the matter before our Constitutional Court, so I don’t see the need for the current hype. Let them just patiently wait for their disappointment which will come soon. It is just a matter of time.

I know some politicians are filled with displeasure caused by their non-fulfilment of their anticipations or expectations as they daily watch President Lungu go in and come out of State House.

But that is life.

Josiah Soko, Salima Road, Matero


Airtel Zambia says bye to Zambia

Dear Editor


So finally it is official that Bharti, the owners of Airtel Zambia will exit the Zambian market this year.

It has not come much as surprise to some of us because this company right from the start had sings that it did come to stay.

It is also quitting Kenya on similar lines.

So I think that our government has no choice by to make Vodacom our third service provider and I think it will bring about a formidable competition in the market. For me I will not miss Airtel because its internet services were nothing to write home about. It simply was not there.

Malita Sakala


Even the dead can see

Dear Editor,


My dear beloved countrymen. It is my human flesh which is dead and numb. My spirit, my soul are so much alive and still kicking.

I can clearly see you all out there. I am speaking from my comfortable grave –my final resting place. My best regards to you all. I salute.

I am really thanking you for taking my message seriously. If you can still remember before my departure, my hand wrote on the wall.

May be some of you failed to interpret my writings, hear it from me now. I said and I quote once more,  “ I have appointed Edgar Chagwa Lungu to take over from me and continue to accomplish my bright visions. He is the only man capable of wearing my shoes. I sincerely want to thank you for voting wisely. Indeed Zambia shall be free,

“ Did you have the chance to receive the letter from Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, entitled, “letter “to my children? Zambia is very lucky to still have the founding father alive. He laid down the unshakable foundation for us,

“ It is with much pity in my soul to learn that my beloved ones, my so called close friends chose to defect because of power hungry, they chose to hide themselves outside of Eden in an oval dark cave, so tiny with no lights and future,

All the bulbs were blown off long time ago. God forbid! My question is have they made it? Watch out, I am still ruling from my grave

“My grave is always bright and lovely, Angels are still and always on duty day and night from heavenly directions. As guided by the holy powers and forces hovering over my grave, I have used a common man my scriber, to write this message for me. I must thank you time without number, for choosing a leader from the bottom of my heart. My hand shall never ever mislead you. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is God fearing man, he listens. He cannot sell government institutions and companies, in short, he is not a Satanist as those people you know well yourselves.

“Young handsome man, I really congratulate you with all my heart for finishing your probation term effectively and successfully. You know, that was my term not yours. For you it was probation training. I can see you are finely baked for your long journey now. Every mile starts with a first step. Use the experience gained during your probation term to the best. As you always do, carry God in your brief case where ever you go, that is the only source of wisdom and honor men of God work with the church. I identify my scriber.

Zambia is not a battle field. It is high time now for all of you, especially the opposition parties, to throw all your machetes, catapults, guns and sharp iron rods you were using to train for violence into the Zambia River. They shall slowly but steadily sink down forever. Now let’s cross Zambezi together as one.

Finally, I am toasting my clenched fist high up as a symbol of victory and solidarity. I shall always be with you forever more. From my grave with much love.






Kafue National Park dying?

Dear Editor,

I wonder how serious the Government is regarding our Kafue National Park, and ZAWA now a commercial department in the ministry of tourism.

A number of lodges have been closed in unclear circumstances, for example, ZAM Lodge and Munkombo.

These ruins are now being used by poachers in the park. I therefore challenge the Ministry of tourism to do a forensic audit to get to the bottom of this problem.

This problem has been left unabated where certain individuals make hasty decision because of the power they hold.

It is quite unfortunate that the Government has continued to lose revenue in terms of tax for its citizens.

This problem has to be sorted out with the sense of emergency it deserves.

As a Zambian citizen, I call upon the ACC, OP and other interested organizations to investigate the officers in ZAWA if at all they are also involved in the poaching and are frustrating businesses in the park which they later sell to foreigners.

I also challenge our beautiful paper, the Daily Nation to investigate this case so that the true meaning of diversification in the tourism sector is realized.



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