Today's letters

Thu, 23 Feb 2017 14:50:55 +0000

Fred M’membe is just a tax evader

Dear Editor

It makes me laugh when Fred M’membe says he speaks for all Zambians. Which Zambians?

His corrupt friends in the cartel? To many of us true Zambians; not the ones he claims to represent, he is just a common law breaker and tax evader who just looks out for himself.

He has been stealing millions from his workers by cutting PAYE and NAPSA but not remitting the contributions to the relevant bodies.  He has not paid his workers their dues or even salaries. He has been stealing from the Government and the Zambian people he claims to represent by not paying taxes to the Government to help them pay civil servants salaries on time.

This money is supposed to buy agriculture inputs; medicines; build roads etc. He should just shut up and concentrate on what he know best, amassing wealth at the expense of us poor Zambians.

Let him know that his days of spreading propaganda and preaching hate speech amongst us are long gone. He has lost two elections against Edgar Lungu even after putting in huge resources into the former Post.

He will still lose in 2021 because we Zambians know who he is. Just do a simple survey and find out who reads your Mast, You will be shocked my dear.

You tried to call for people to boycott other papers and for Zambians to contribute to your cause but no one showed up. Ask yourself why?  The answer is simple. You are on your own. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Elias Mpofu, Lusaka

RTSA should consider amending night travel ban SI 76 

Dear Editor

I write to appeal and actually lobby RTSA to consider amending the night travel ban Statutory Instrument 76 for PSV motorists to only cater for passenger carriers and not cargo carriers.

This is because the SI has brought more congestion on the road from 05:00 hours to 21:00 hours when these vehicles are allowed to move.

The SI was understandably enforced to reduce on the number of fatalities involving passenger carriers that locked the Country recently and should therefore not have included cargo carriers for heavy haulage like copper transportation.

The roads are now over congested between the stipulated time as all PSV vehicles compete to reach their designated destinations, which actually could be also a source for more road carnage.

It is with this after thought that I feel and appeal to RTSA and all relevant stakeholders to take an in-depth analysis and come up with another SI that could only ban passenger carriers and exempt cargo carriers. This will in itself give much relief to the heavy traffic seen during the day, much to the annoyance of general populous.

Wisdom Muyunda


Mike Mulongoti isa day dreamer

 Dear Editor,

Mr Mike Mulongoti of the Peoples Party is a big day dreamer and an extremely funny politician who no sane citizen can take seriously.

M’membe and Nchito fighting for ALL ZAMBIANS? My foot! Does he really the kind of the people he is talking about?

May be Mr Mulongoti was a child when Fred and his cohorts in the famous cartel sent innocent people to their early graves in his quest to amass wealth.

I thought Mr Mulongoti was a seasoned politician who must have been following most of these national issues intelligently, but Lord how wrong I was.

I now suspect that Mulongoti is on a pay roll of the cartel because no normal person can stand two feet tall to shower praise and claim that the Fred and Nchito are fighting for Zambians.  Fighting for what?

For me, I have from today totally lost respect for Mulongoti for the shallow politician he is.

For as long as  some of the members of this cartel owe Zambians money through unpaid taxes or that borrowed from  public  and private  financial institutions,  no Zambian will rest until justice is seen and done. And wheels of justice are presently doing just that


Josiah Soko, Salima Road Matero,


Congrats HH on dialogue call

Dear Editor,

I write to congratulate UPND President Hakainde Hichilema for once calling for dialogue to address the many challenges the country is faced with.

It is good that HH has finally realized that time for politicking is over and now is time to move the country forward for the benefit of the majority Zambians.

I only hope and pray that his call for dialogue will be used as an affront for real dialogue and in good faith, not otherwise.

Time for politics is over and now is time to co-exist for the good cause of every Zambian.

Those in opposition’s role is now to give reasonable checks and balances to the government for the betterment of all of us and indeed the government.



Docility  of Zambians 

Dear Editor

So many unpleasant things are happening yet the deafening silence from the stakeholders is sickening.

The church is too silent. Is it because of donations it receives from politicians? Civil society is pretending all is well because it is afraid of deregistration.

Where is press freedom? What of police brutality? The 2015 auditors report? The lack of rule of law?

The lack of participation in the economy by indigenous people? Etc. Shame to the Zambians.


Concerned Citizen


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