Today's letters

Tue, 21 Mar 2017 12:39:00 +0000

UPND ethnic square pegs for parliamentary round holes

Dear Editor,


Former UPND presidential spokesperson Edward Mumbi’s analysis of  UPND members of Parliament continued boycotting parliamentary sessions each time the Head of State was addressing the nation in the March 19, 2017 Sunday Nation issue reflects the failure of  stubborn  UPND politicians to acknowledge the fact that President Edgar Lungu is the duly and elected Head of State.

They have adopted the post-election denial, infantile, anti-social and unacceptable behaviour instituted by the UPND 5-time serial loser of presidential elections, Hakainde Hichilema, which were not designed for the growth and development of Zambians but to once more massage his post-election bruised ego.

They have totally mismanaged and abused parliamentary privileges to the detriment of their people in constituencies of Southern, Western and North-Western provinces.

Most UPND parliamentary aspirants were involved in the age-cheating of underage first-time voters in one way or the other during the 2016 polls.

Local people supplied the seemingly 16-year old adolescents who had just got their NRCs and provided transport for the bussing and trucking of underage would be first-time voters to the voter registration centres and polling stations during the polls; they created the conducive environment that paid for the unprecedented UPND first-time vote-basket in Southern, Western, North-Western provinces.

Comparatively, there were many self-sufficient and poverty-free pre-2016 polls Zambian constituencies nationwide.

Which UPND politician has taken the time to do the research and planning necessary to develop and implement programmes in his or her constituency that reflect a respectful and needful Zambian way of life and nationwide-view?

By all accounts, UPND members of parliament are ethnic square pegs trying to force themselves into parliamentary round holes.

Besides, this second episode of boycotting parliamentary sessions each time the Head of State was addressing the nation, has proven the saying of the wise that: “If you swear an oath and secretly hide it in a hole in the ground, it will eventually emerge to the surface one day!”

But now, the National Assembly honchos were being made to face a decision that has split Parliament – whether UPND MPs have to apologize to the Speaker of the National Assembly for the second time for so much brazen impertinence that makes them appear infantile and childish.

Mubanga Luchembe,



HH is irredeemable

Dear Editor,


I was totally amazed by the statement from UPND President Hichilema Hakainde describing the State of the Nation address by President Lungu as being empty.

That was one of most important addresses ever given by a sitting President because it addressed all the major national concerns in a very clear, simple and pragmatic manner to encourage all citizens participate in national development.

The address went beyond party interests to address speak to the nation on issues that confront us all and the need for a united approach. How could that be empty? What is empty is the approach by our opposition to condemn and demonize anything that is done by the Government.

This unfortunately is the myopic understanding of opposition by the UPND which will oppose anything and everything that does not come from their camp.

This conduct is very different from the time when President Sata was in the opposition. He never wasted time in courts of law and instead concentrated on convincing the Zambian people that he had something useful to contribute to the development of the country.

He won because he appealed to the people instead of causing anger and consternation in the country.

The route of antagonism adopted by HH will surely see him remain in opposition for the rest of his life.

Ackson Swema


Woodlands police station famous for torturing suspects

Dear Editor,


I am writing with a heavy heart over the death of that ZAF officer who died at the hands cheap and common criminals at Woodlands Police Station.

I have also learnt with sadness that the police station in question along with Emmasdale, is famous for torturing suspects.

I hear suspects detained at Woodlands and Emmasdale police stations always come out with fractured limbs or serious bodily injuries from the beatings the get.

Now coming back to the ZAF officer, surely was it absolutely necessary to detain him over a simple traffic offence?

Where were police officers when those brigands were beating the guts out of that innocent officer?

There are some insinuations that in fact police allow these things to go  on  and even participate for whatever reasons-may be to flex their ‘boma’ muscles in a show of authority. Totally out0-dated!

So the onus is on the police command to institute thorough investigations into the matter and stop the beatings at these two police stations whose records are simply appalling.

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) too should take up this matter seriously and stop  the use of torture of suspects in police cells throughout Zambia because the practice simply stinks.

The issue of torture of suspects in police cells is not new except that it has been allowed to continue with unbelievable impunity for years now.

But when it begins to claim innocent lives, then the matter calls for quick corrective action. The nonsense has to be stopped no matter what it takes for the good name of Zambia.

After all suspects in police cells and indeed elsewhere are innocent until proved guilty and they deserve to be treated decently and as innocent human beings

Concerned citizen


True, UPND is dead

Dear Editor,


I would like to agree with one of your one correspondents Josiah Soko on the disgusting behaviour of UPND members of parliament last Friday.

I have no doubt in my mind that soon many of its members will see the need to ditch the party whose leaders are nothing but a bunch of frustrated politicians, without a future.

You see even in stubbornness, there are limits. I mean for how long are those MPS going to keep on walking out of Parliament without consequences?

Remember Zambia have famous bandits in the names of Never ‘Spoiler’ Kapenda, Uncle Barry, and many others who ultimately had to stop police bullets and I am sure they are now  dancing ‘pelete’ in hell.

It happens all the time. In fact for me, their behaviour could be start of their end. Last rains are always extremely destructive, but they eventually go. UPND will go into the drains soon.

I know those MPs are just puppets of Hakainde Hichilema, that bitter loser and as long as they keep him at the top of UPND, that party is not going anywhere except in those a‘Bantu Botatwe’ areas which are in minority.

So even if PF is voted out of office in 2021, it will not be replaced by UPND if it maintains its present modus operandi

UPND is a party with people full of cheap tribalism, hate, disrespect, insidious and hell bent to bring confusion in the country.

But they will fail because the hand of the Lord is on this great nation.

Who does not know that some of UPND leaders do not believe in Jesus Christ because of who they are?

I am now appealing to all God-fearing Zambian s to commit this country to God and put to shame all those who want to shed blood to appease their little gods.


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