Today's letters

Thu, 06 Apr 2017 09:41:27 +0000

Ailing UPND and the ICC

Dear Editor,

I refer to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema’s recent press briefing held at his residence where he claimed that he was routinely talking to United States of America President Donald Trump and that the US president would soon deal with some African countries that he claimed were festering with dictatorship tendencies.

The UPND leader further said that his party would take legal action if Zambia followed through its intention to withdraw from the International Criminal Court.

Undoubtedly, as a party, the UPND may have so far succeeded in remaining a whole in the 2016 post-election period, but it is ailing in all its parts.

UPND’s intra-party dictatorial, parliamentary and presidential political chutzpah have failed to deliver any panacea.

The prognosis is not good, as the party sits on a volatile tripod of fallacious, judicial and ethnic monotony.

Thus, there is an innate concession that the UPND is eating its last morsels of glory in Western and North-Western provinces.

I couldn’t believe what I heard from Hakainde Hichilema on Muvi TV about the International Criminal Court (ICC) and African leaders.

To those UPND die-hard supporters who ignorantly believed Hakainde Hichilema’s myriad of falsehoods that the ICC would reverse Zambia’s 2016 presidential election results and inaugurate him as Zambia’s Head of State. Please read on.

This year, in fact July 1, 2017 to be precise would mark the 15th anniversary of the coming into force of the Rome Statute that established the ICC.

The Court itself was officially established as a permanent tribunal on March 11, 2003. And yet, most, if not all, its inductees so far have been Africans.

Does this connote racial stereotyping? Does it mean Africans are the only people in the world who commit the gravest war crimes and crimes against humanity?

Is there a political reason behind the focus on Africa? What does it say about the international criminal justice system – is it merely a farce?

These are some of the questions Hakainde Hichilema must address before ranting of taking legal action against the PF administration if it followed through its intention to withdraw from the ICC.

Besides, the USA opposed the establishment of the ICC from the start.

Despite signing the Rome Statute, the Clinton Administration was unable to ratify the treaty, encountering fierce opposition from Congress.

Washington objected to the Court on a number of grounds, including the perceived lack of adequate checks and balances on the powers of the ICC prosecutors and judges, the lack of due process and the absence of juries.

The ICC has all too obviously ignored crystal-clear cases of superpower abuses of human rights and even abuses by their client states.

The Court has courageously gone after only those people it has seen as being weak and unprotected by the UN Security Council.

The ICC, has turned a blind eye to self-evident human rights abuses in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza. It has instead chosen to indict scores of Africans.

And even in those African countries the Court has selected for action, it has been politically selective as to which human rights abuses it chooses to pursue.  This has made a mockery of the Court’s claims to bring about an end to impunity.

By all accounts, there is a clear lesson for Africa: do not refer your country to the ICC. The ICC does not have Africa’s welfare at heart but only itself and its bureaucratic imperative – to exist, to employ more Europeans and North Americans, and where possible increase its budget.

Undeniably, Hakainde Hichilema would do well to let his supporters know the facts about the ICC other than fiction.

Lastly, I was sorely amazed when I heard Hakainde Hichilema on Muvi TV brag about routinely talking to US President Donald Trump.

This is a manifestation of America’s cunning desires. It is an indication that the US has no permanent friends or enemies but only permanent interests.

Therefore, this message goes to all UPND die-hard supporters with their leader dealing with the US president – your leader is only interested in advancing his own presidential interests, never yours.


Mubanga Luchembe,



Police should  be example of integrity

Dear Editor 

Let us begin by saying how much we appreciate the Zambia Police Service. You are saving lives everyday by ensuring that motorists travel at safe speeds.

There are so many things you do which promote the peace and stability of our country. Who would we call upon If not the police? You have a very dangerous job and we want to thank you for your fine service to our country.

Recently, my wife was pulled over by a policeman at the Manda Hill police station for turning from the wrong lane. She was guilty and was willing to pay a reasonable fine.

Several other motorists were also pulled over for other similar infractions. The policeman in charge gathered those who were pulled over and told them to pay K350.

He added that the fine could be reduced to k150, however, there would be no receipt issued. My wife refused to take part in the corruption and paid the full amount.

A while later, we were travelling on the Great East Road to Malawi. I noticed a speed sign that said 60km per hour and reduced my speed.

However, noticing that there was nothing in the area, no school, no villages, nor any type of side roads, nor development nor pedestrians, I begun to increase my speed.

I assumed that the sign stating the speed was 60km per hour was perhaps wrongly placed.

At that point, the police stepped out onto the road and sked me to pull over. I was apparently the first person caught and every vehicle going east could be pulled over.

Within minutes, the police had ‘captured’ more cars. It was obviously a speed trap. The officers on duty could provide no reason for the reduced speed in that area. The road was straight and as I said, there was nothing in the area.

After paying another K350 into the police, “Christmas fund” we continued on for another 20km and did not find another speed sign until we reached the village. The speed sign at the village said we could proceed now at 80km per hour!

As motorists, we see so many moving violations (motorists not stopping at stop signs-like at the Crossroads Mall), motorists dangerously overtaking other vehicles, vehicles that are poorly maintained (travelling at night with little or no lights”, and vehicles expelling huge amounts of smoke).

It is sad to see that the police cannot concentrate on many dangerous infractions instead of setting up speed traps that damage the reputation on the Zambian Police.

It is sad to see the lack of honesty and integrity displayed by the Zambian Police in instances like those described above.  When the police do not apply the law equally, set up speed traps (often just at the location where the speed changes), and act in a corrupt manner, it brings down the whole moral fiber of our country.

It is poor reflection upon our country and our Government when tourists arrive for their first visit to Africa and experience the corruption.

Such corruption brings down our economy. Businesses do not want to operate in Zambia when unfairly treated.

Sincerely, concerned citizen



Shameful HH Must be tamed

Dear Editor,

Much as we want to be tolerant as a nation, as a leadership and as a people, it is a risk to tolerate the conduct and absurdity of UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema.

It is therefore, incumbent upon the government of President Edgar Lungu to tame HH and his party now before one more life is lost.

We can’t allow a situation where someone who claims to be a leader takes delight in losing a life to show that he does not recognise the democratically elected president of our great country.

Can such a person who is not moved by the spill of blood fit to be a commander in chief of the armed forces? No.

There was no need for HH and his party to go ahead with the illegal procession in Kanyama.

In fact, the minister of home affairs Mr Kampyongo and the Inspector General of the Zambia police are a let down to the citizens of Zambia for failing to bring HH to book for loss of life of innocent people due to his insatiable desire to lead people who don’t want him.

HH is likely to cause more misery to those opposed to his desire to rule.

Let us not put the 14 million plus Zambians in danger to show that we are democrats.  We must deal with unwanted elements who are bent on  creating chaos like HH with the seriousness and urgency that this matter requires.

Every Zambian now knows that President Edgar Lungu has been magnanimous enough to take on insults from HH and it’s time for us majority Zambians who appointed him to demand action so as to protect the office of the president.

Yes we cannot change the president’s good heart but as a person with the instruments of power, he is obligated to act in the interest of us the citizens.

If the IG is not up to the task, the President has no option but to replace him with a more competent police officer who can bring sanity in HH’s head.

HH almost sobered up when Copperbelt’s police commissioner Charity Katanga was in Lusaka. Mr Kampyongo must also step up his game by doing less warning but more action.

HH cannot stomach the fact that the man he looks down on is transforming the country beyond people’s expectations apart from having the humility and the modesty like that of Gideon of the Bible times.

No wonder God has continued to guide him and to bless him, but look at HH, no limitations whatsoever, always competing with God in glory and wisdom.

Can God guide such haughtiness? No. I’m sure those that voted for HH in the last election are ashamed of themselves, I don’t think they knew the man they voted for, and anyway they must have learnt it the hard way.

What is important now is for all of us regardless of tribe and region we come from unite and refuse to be part of politics of insults, bloodshed and division.

HH must give us break to work and enjoy the fruits of working hard. In fact, I wish to know how the State handled the issue of those people who were displaced by HH in Kalomo in preference for his cattle.

“Awe mwandi” one day, will be led by an animal if we decide to be gullible. On behalf of Zambians, I demand action on HH.


Enock Chulu



Remorseless UPND leaders

Dear Editor,

What kind of people are leading  UPND when they cannot extend a word disavowing  violence by their cadres for the  person killed in the aftermath of their ill-advised attempt to hold a meeting when the atmosphere in Lusaka is so charged by the insolence and  disrespectful conduct of their leader Hakainde Hichilema. Zambians expected that leadership to publicly acknowledge the killing and offer condolences publicly by condemning violence. They instead used the occasion to politic and make nonsensical statements.



What revolution?


HH is completely out of his senses and he prefers shortcuts and illusions, he is a day dreamer. Not long ago, he was dreaming of the ICC and now he is dreaming of Donald Trump. What a mediocre mind! He does not understand the Constitution of Zambia, the Bill of Rights, let alone, the Public Order Act. Instead of mourning our brother whom they killed in cold blood, he is busy dreaming of revolution full of terror, havoc, mayhem, violence, intolerance, confusion and lies. When will he talk of development and bring in investors? Revolutions are dictators. It’s you who will cry even more.

Concerned citizen


Did HH attain an English leakage?


Can we assume that your (HH) pass or whatever grade you attained in English was through a leakage? I say so because your recent utterances on Zambia leaving the ICC is definitely not what some of us understood the President said on the same when he returned from the AU meeting. How I understood the Presidents words is as follows: the AU wants Africa to leave the ICC but asked the Heads of Member States to consult their people hence the same being undertaken now. Therefore, there is no need for you to get excited and start misinforming people and hiring lawyers that Zambia wants to leave the ICC.




Thick headed HH


Someone said that some people are so thick headed that you’d push a stick of dynamite in their nostrils, set it off and the fellow wouldn’t even sneeze. I find Mr. Hichilema fitting this description very nicely. Those fawning on him should at least advise him that he is not president in this wonderful mother Zambia. I thank Jehovah for having protected us from him. But if he tekanyas, God is kind and merciful and will forgive him his iniquities. 1 John 1:9. Let him see a doctor to rid him of the schizophrenic mode he is in he is in.

Harrison.N.Chanda, Kabwe


UPND criminality is  a revolution


Boko Haram is here in Zambia by the name of HH. A few days after UPND cadres have beaten reporters and killed a PF member, HH talked about revolution. Don’t you see the meaning of his word revolution is already being demonstrated?

Concerned citizen


Nurses in clinics and hospitals


I am concerned with the levels of negligence in clinics and hospitals especially towards expecting mothers and babies. Some health workers are very good at their jobs and should keep up the good work while other nurses in particular have a bad attitude and take other people’s lives for granted. In the Western world, such matters are taken seriously hence they have quality services. I would like to urge the Government to look into this situation please.

Concerned citizen



What are the benefits of Zambia leaving the ICC?


What are the benefits of Zambia’s removal from the ICC? Can anyone in front of this explain to the nation? Let it not be like a Referendum which they never explained to the people and failed due to lack of knowledge about it. Could it be because of their hidden agenda?



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