Today's letters

Mon, 10 Apr 2017 11:40:54 +0000

HH wants Armageddon

Dear Editor

It is clear from the provocative utterances and conduct of HH and his co-accused GBM that they are desperate for an Armageddon. This is the only avenue for them to create havoc and hopefully secure themselves a chance to lead this country.

They tried the elections and failed miserably. Although their three strongholds recorded the highest turn out of more than 90 percent they still lost to the rest of Zambia whose turnout was less than 40 percent.

They realise that getting into the office via the ballot is not possible for them because they have  only three provinces out of 10 where they can count on tribal support.

The majority of Zambians in the other 7 provinces are a mixture of tribes, ethnic groups and  religious groups who are united in the supreme effort of stopping a tribal leadership getting into power.

So HH and GBM can be rest assured that for as long as they hold sway in three provinces of the country the majority provinces will not allow them to rule. My appeal to the Government and especially the Police is to ensure that HH and his colleagues are caged to stop them from setting the nation alight with their very provocative conduct. Many Zambians have just had enough of the insults and may soon start reacting.

The English say that a stich in time save to prevent future calamities. We should not wait until the situation gets worse before acting. It will be too late.


Oswald Senka


Let us rekindle the spirit of patriotism

Dear Editor,

With the pool of professionals and experts we have in various fields of the economy, Zambia cannot fail to grow the economy significantly.

The problem has been that, we are divided into political parties blindly that we have subordinated our country to a second place below the political inclination.

Now that we have a government that believes in unity of purpose to develop the country, we are all under obligation to contribute to national development.

There is no need to wait until our political party gets into power to be able to use our expertise and skills in national building.

Only narrow minds can tow that line, otherwise, real politicians show their gusto of running big enterprise by participating in the affairs of the nation.  What is happening in our country today is disheartening.  Ask economists inclined to UPND they will tell you that Zambia will not recover its economy in 30 years.

Pose the same question to economists inclined to PF, they will tell you we are recovering tremendously.

Yes it is not possible for economists to agree but the question is, don’t they use the same fundamental economic indicators?

If the answer is in affirmative, why not be objective in our analysis of the state of the economy? For me it is a sign that we have lost patriotism.

It is embarrassing for us to wait for the President to call for an indaba for us to start contributing to the nation’s affairs.  I’m looking forward to a day when Professor Oliver Saasa and economist Lubinda Habaazoka can call finance minister Felix Mutati on their concerns and provide possible remedy instead of rushing to the Mast newspaper  to condemn him and vice versa.

Same applies to lawyers and civil society heads, I look forward to the day when Sarah Longwe will call gender Minister Victoria Kalima to discuss gender problems and provide possible solutions before rushing to the Mast newspaper to pour out tantrums.

Let us rekindle the spirit of patriotism. Look at how we have destroyed institutions like media houses, those from the private media will call those who are bitter with the current government like HH and Charles Milupi for a comment on the physical looks of President Lungu instead of important issues.

And the two will shamelessly pour insults on his looks.

On the other hand the public media will aptly call people who are inclined to development like Mr Alex Ngoma from the UNZA to encourage Zambians on the importance of working together and because of that their colleagues hate them as vuvuzelas of the state.

In all candour, the Daily Nation has shown maturity and fairness in their reporting.

Let me take this opportunity to encourage all Zambians to put aside political views and work together with the government of the day to create employment for our youths and grow our economy to tenfold because Zambia has great potential which need to be tapped for prosperity.

To Mr Mutati, I congratulate him on his stance on revenue collection that has led to a surplus in the first quarter of 2017 through ZRA.

To the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, I say thank you for the great leadership.

To my brother McDonald Chipenzi, I advise him to see through political lenses for him to be relevant in the politics of our nation. Peace to HH and his MPs.


Enock Chulu, Lusaka


God will destroy UPND soonDear Editor,

The news that one of the top officials of UPND is migrating to South Africa should not shock anyone.

It is the start of the end of UPND unless something seriously happens to it to properly transform so that it begins to appeal to many Zambians.

In its present form UPND has only managed to be a nuisance for which the majority of Zambians have to know it as such.

Even the colour of the party tells us there is something horrid about it because red is a colour of blood.

Is it therefore possible that UPND is all intent to shed blood in this country in conformity with the dress of the party?

Even its raised hand salutation is also something that should worry the nation because I hear it is also used by masons. But that is another issue.

But be as it may, the hand God is on this nation and He will truly make mad its enemies before destroying them. This God will do it soon or later whether some people like or not.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the UPND as a party. It is its current leaders who are wrong and want to make Zambia ungovernable to suit their inoperable political egos.

For now I want the UPND to go for a convention so that it can bring in leaders who are level-headed and make the party appealable to many Zambians and become a force to reckon with.

But, on the other hand if its leaders HH and GBM want to carry on in the manner they are doing, UPND is certainly headed into a political abyss.

I say so because each time these two leaders open their mouths it’s just insults and hate speeches pouring out which the majority of Zambians have roundly condemned.

 Mwape Mutale, Chawama 


Govt should help ZNBC

Dear Editor,

I wish to make an earnest appeal to government to quickly come to the aid our national broadcaster ZNBC whose programmes have virtually come to a standstill.

Many viewers who have tried to watch ZNBC TV have the same story. It is a disaster in waiting.

Late in the night all channels broadcast one programme (mostly yo music). And as if that is not enough TV1 and 2 most of the time have no sound. I wonder if ZNBC has sound engineers in their employment.

It may not be of their own making, but in its present form ZNBC is better off shutting down altogether and starting afresh because it does not deserve the title of a national broadcaster. One can almost predict its repeat programmes which is not only irritating but no worth paying the TV levy.


Concerned viewer

HH, GBM are Zambia’s No.1 comedians

Dear Editor,

The comedy which we are getting from HH and GBM certainly helps some of us to pass days laughing our lungs out.

When for instance I saw the headline in the Mast “Í won-HH” I could not help but laugh because for me that was pure comedy in its purest form.

I do not want to be repetitive, but if HH remains at helm of UPND and push on the ‘Bantu Botatwe’ concept, he should bravely admit that he has kissed his State House dreams goodbye.

It will not hurt him more if admits the current situation that he is not at Plot One because the majority of Zambians did not vote for him 2016. It is as plain as that.

But of course if it helps him to rant and to imagine that he still has what it takes, he is perfectly free to keep on dreaming while others are busy working.

For me, he gives me something to laugh about and helps to lower by adrenaline, so I will welcome his gibbering with both hands.


Joseph Jere


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