Today's text messages

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 09:59:12 +0000

Help Emmanuel Mayuka


Allow me space in your paper to advice soccer agents and coaches to help former national striker Emmanuel Mayuka. Our coaches and soccer agents should find time to talk to this young man. He needs proper counselling. Forgetting about him completely will not solve anything. Mayuka is a young and energetic striker who can come back with a bang. Mayuka should be advised that Egypt is not the best destination for Zambian players. Remember what happened to Sate Sate, Felix Katongo and the late Fred Mwila Jr. Kennedy Munyemesha


HH must learn from RB


I would like to advice Mr. HH who has refused to work with the PF government under the great leadership of His Excellency Mr. Edgar. C. Lungu. Mr. Banda was defeated by the PF but he never created enmity with the PF government. Why can’t HH use the past and the present to help him climb to the future. Will HH continue to insult those in authority until 2021? Even the Bible tells us to respect those in authority because they are ordained by God. Why can’t HH do the same? Allan Asamoah


Understanding leadership  requirements


I want to comment on the leadership requirements in Zambia. Why should a Grade 12 certificate be part of the requirements? Leadership is not about having a Grade 12 certificate. It is about passion, integrity, responsibility and sacrifice. If a person does not have a Grade 12 certificate but he or she has the above mentioned qualities, then that particular person qualifies to be a leader. Not all those who invented things have a Grade 12 certificates. Let us give chance to those who have leadership qualities to lead our country. Allan Asamoah


Pope Lambasts Fake News  Journalism


If I may ask, Archbishop Tresfor Mpundu Sir, where do you place your best friend Fred M’membe who happens to be a master of what the Pope condemned? HH called for Zambians to take the special assistant for press and public relations to the President, Amos Chanda to court. Which court? What is more offensive, insulting judges or perceived threats to judges? Laura Miti was right, UPND has no strategy. I will keep saying this. They lack advanced political tactics. Anyway, what else can one expect from the combination that is at the helm of the party?

Micky, Ndola 


Mr Mwila’s antagonistic type of administration


We are saddened by Mr. Mwila’s antagonistic type of administrative approach in PF. We chose someone who we wanted as our hard working MP but what is happening is surprising. Does it mean that those independent MPs who were chosen are not part of our mother Zambia? How many MPs scooped their seats on an independent ticket? What type of democracy is Mr. Mwila referring to? Let him remember that the President said he was going to work with the people the electorate would choose. Now, how can Mr Mwila instruct Councilors and Mayors no to work with our candidate? This needs to be explained to us clearly! Disappointed Kantanshi resident


GMO may cause diabetes


Allow me to express my views on this disease called diabetes which has also attacked children as young as five years which is very disturbing. I feel there is something wrong somewhere that needs to be corrected. Mainly banning of certain GMO foods also regulation of the drugs to ensure they are not expired. We, therefore, would like to emphasise the importance of local industries being recognised for the country’s economic and physical well-being. Nawa, Kafue


Councilors should bring sanity


Councilors should put measures in place and close Lodges and Guest Houses that are operating like brothels. Most Guest Houses and Lodges especially in compounds are operating like brothels where they even allow teenagers to pay a small fee just to go and do foolish things. Ndola is even worse where Lodges and Guest Houses are not operating in a good manner.

Kennedy Munyemesha



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