Sun, 25 Dec 2016 10:15:24 +0000


To my fellow motorists



I urge all motorists to desist from driving under the influence of alcohol. It boggles my mind that you will find hundreds of cars parked at ‘watering holes’ than at places of worship. RATSA, please stiffen your punishment to deter this scourge. Too many lives have been lost unnecessarily.

Nic Mhango



Kambwili showing us his true colours


The comment made by Mr Chishimba Kambwili that the PF should hold a convention is a disappointment. Why is Mr. Kambwili and other selfish PF members calling for a convention to elect a new party president for the 2021 general elections? Mr. Kambwili started behaving in this manner immediately he was fired as Information Minister. Kambwili failed to perform as a Minister and that is why he was fired. Why can’t he learn to take the past, present and make them help him climb to the future? We love you.

Allan Asamoah



Selfish people causing confusion in PF


It is now clear that some selfish PF members are now causing confusion in the PF government. Instead of them helping the President to develop the country, they are busy calling for a convention to elect a new President for the 2021 general elections. As far as I am concerned, Edgar Lungu has performed well towards the development of our country. It is we, the people, who get to choose a president and not these selfish PF members who are being used by the UPND leaders to cause confusion in the PF. If you don’t want to be led by President Lungu, resign and join other parties.




For His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu


Sir, you are a blessing to this nation and a father to all. I am here to let you know or rather make you realise that you should not trust the UPND members. They are not worth your trust sir. They are just putting on an act but inside feel you and us you supporters are dull. Oh no no! We have the mind of Christ so he shows us what’s evil and good so UPND MPs and your leader, teti mutukwanishe! Patali! We speak to Christ.



Misconceptions about HIV


This is in response to one of the readers comment dated 22nd December, 2016. It has been well documented that HIV jumped from monkeys to humans and this has been analyzed by sequencing DNA samples from humans. Such zoonotic transmissions do occur, especially that we share almost 98 percent of our DNA with primates. Such viral jumps have occurred from birds, pigs to humans. The recent Ebola is a classic example of zoonotic transmissions, hence the Cut-hunter theory of transmission from primates to humans is scientifically correct.

Dr. Samuel Kumar



Zambian drivers losing jobs to foreigners


It is disappointing to know that Zambian drivers are losing their jobs to foreigners, what is wrong with our country?

Chanda, Ndola



Reduction in road blocks


I have noticed that with the reduction in the number of road blocks mounted by the traffic police officers, things have become better. You can even see that traffic jams have reduced now. I am happy with Parliament’s decision to cut on road blocks. Traffic officers should depend on their salaries to feed their families and not depending on motorists. Let them rely on hard work like us. Keep it up Home Affairs minister.

Ten-ten, Chainda


President Lungu, please restore peace in PF


I am appealing to the President to stop the fights within the PF party. You have been talking about forgiveness. Please, forgive all erring members and reconcile the PF. All Zambians are looking forward to seeing reconciliation blossom in the PF. I know you are able to do so. Thank you.

Lucy, Livingstone


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