Fri, 06 Jan 2017 08:11:08 +0000

Anger will kill Nevers Mumba




The amount of anger piling in Dr Nevers Mumba’s heart is frightening and will kill him. He should accept that life for him has changed and nothing will reverse that. He is no longer MMD leader.


Ex-Armco security workers want redundancy packages




Please speak on our behalf. We are the former Armco Security employees whose redundancy packages have not been paid for years. When are they paying us our dues?




Mainza Chona remembered




Thanks Philip for that wonderful reminder. Mainza Chona SC was indeed a very good man full of great humour. I remember one time, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda was complaining that a lot of places were being named after him. Mr. Mainza Chona stood up to correct him that those place were in fact being named after Dr. Kaunda.

S Phiri



This is for Wedson Nyirenda



Our national team coach Wedson Nyirenda should try former ZANACO prolific striker Moses Phiri and Turkey-based striker, Evans Kangwa as twin strikers for the national team. The other strikers like Ronald Kapamba, Walter Bwalya and Bonwell Mwape should be given a chance to join the national jersey. Kapamba is a striker who can play the way Lotson Kilambe was playing. Lastly, Nyirenda should be reminded that Collins Mbesuma and Winston Kalengo have done their part, time is now to build a team for the future.

Kennedy Munyemesha, Ndola



Lusambo should visit Kasompe School in Chingola



I humbly request you to rush to Kasompe Basic School in Chingola, where school management is demanding for K150 for the enrollment of grade one pupils.

Concerned parent



Army worms  in Eastern




In Eastern province and Nyimba district in particular, we have a problem of army worms eating crops. Can whoever is in charge please come and see the fields at Kacholola West, Nyimba. Thank you.

Ackim Batwell Banda, Chamangala village



Where is Zambia going?




I am a Zambian concerned with what is happening in our Christian nation. The so called contractors are making roads that don’t last. Corruption is also done with impunity at any time without fear. Where are we going as a Christian nation?

Anthony K Kasuba, Kafue Estates



Private schools charging K50 for exam results



Where is the ministry of general education to help parents/guardians of pupils in private schools obtain their Grade 7 statement of results? Some private schools are reaping where they did not sow because parents/guardians are forced to pay K50.00 before collecting statement of results. They are claiming that the K50.00 is for transportation costs.

Concerned parent


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