Tue, 17 Jan 2017 08:54:07 +0000

PF in government because of MMD



Yes, partly Mr. Nakacinda could be right. It’s his opinion and he referred this to what ba Lungu said when he toured Copperbelt. Both Mr. Nakacinda and the President said only a ‘fool’ would not be able to appreciate the role the MMD played to enable PF attain 50 plus 1. Now, how can the two say that in the context that Zambia is a Christian nation? Why would they call someone who was created in the image of God by that name? Could the press reverse this statement! If at all God has created a fool then what are you saying about him? Please don’t try to cheat God. We are all one!

Nkandu Everest



Kalu’s explanation on his Kalaba vote not good enough


I did not and don’t agree with Kalusha’s explanation as to how he gave Kalaba three votes in preference to the Zimbabwean and Ugandan citizens. If Herve Renard gave Kalaba five points, what would be the reason or explanation from Kalusha that will convince Zambians? Kalusha should be man enough; let him apologize to the nation. He should not end his fame like he ended his football career by way of missing that penalty when he was player/ coach. Kalusha remembers how Zambians snubbed his friend Charles Musonda.




PF owes it to MMD


Whether the so-called PF founding members like it or not, let them today learn that without MMD, PF was not going to be in power and give them ministerial jobs. Politics is about numbers not only founders of political parties.




Zambian news


Congratulations to the ZANIS management for giving us true news on ZNBC. It is the only news that covers our country.



Put Kalu’s issue to rest


This time around many people like talking just for the sake of talking even about things they don’t know like the qualifications of a player for them to win a medal. Between the three players who was more qualified? Is it only because Kalaba and Kalusha are both Zambians? No, no, no! That’s not what to follow? Onyango did it at both club and country as well as Biliat. Now let’s talk of Kalaba, he failed to help qualify Zambia. This also happened to Ronaldo and Messi so what are people talking about? Leave Kalu alone! Even in politics you behave the same!

Patrick Lombe



Ndola traffic officers dare



I remember late last year, Mr Kampyongo issued a statement that the police must reduce on the number of check points across the country. On the contrary, traffic officers in Ndola have increased the number of check points. People will agree with me that in Ndola, as early as 07:30hours, you will find them on the roads contributing to traffic congestion especially on the road from Ndola Golf Club to Indeni turn-off. It’s like we have more traffic officers than we have in other departments. Can someone please intervene?

SK, Ndola


Charles Milupi, please shut up



Please advise this ignorant hateful man called Charles Milupi. He is too blind to what the PF and Lungu have done. He must ask good people from Western and Southern provinces to educate him on the positive achievements that the PF and our humble President His Excellency Edgar. C. Lungu have done. Milupi, you did nothing in your own province when you were MP. Can you point at just one thing or a toilet you built for your people! Why use politics of the 18th century in the modern Zambia? Just keep quiet!

PS, Lusaka



Kalu has the right to vote


The cry over Kalusha’s failure to vote for Kalaba is quite sad. When you are talented, you don’t need to rely on a vote based on patriotism. Kalusha himself won the Africa best footballer award based on performance and that’s what we need. If Kalaba was to win, he should have won with or without Kalu’s vote. Our players just need to up their performance and win on merit and not patriotism.




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