Today's text messages

Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:12:30 +0000


Well done Daily Nation!


It is really gratifying and impressing to see your institution being one of the media houses that is building and promoting unity in our country. Keep it up with your wonderful editorials.

Chilongo HBJ, Chongwe


ZRA penalties


The tax regime is very disappointing in Zambia. Penalties per month differ from K3 900, K3, 772 and K3, 500. Does ZRA want upcoming businesses to close down for others to benefit? We are not foreigner. Please PF government, revise the tax system.



Congrats ZESCO


I reported a fault to ZESCO on the 28th of February, 2017 by phone and was assured that it will be attended to within 24 hours. Well and good, within a few hours, my problem was sorted out. Keep up the good work.

Customer Humphrey Kayukwa


Luangwa River


I am appealing to the relevant authorities to think about the Luangwa river and its waters. As a country, we are not benefiting from that river. Government should think of turning that river into a dam and generate power at least on two points before the water goes to waste in the Zambezi and finally, Indian Ocean.

Peter Phiri


PF cadres as first priority


I would like to comment on Mr. Mwilas statement on PF cadres being first priority in land allocation in the Daily Nation paper dated 23rd January, 2017. As a concerned citizen, I feel this is true because in some districts, PF cadres are the billionaires. Most of them are driving and are employers of people without driving licenses. Please let RTSA monitor this behavior.

Concerned citizen


Daily Nation’s social corner


Thembani.M.Tembo’s corner is an interesting corner but I feel you are promoting tribalism by believing  that the only president fit to rule this nation should be from Northern, Eastern, Luapula, Copper belt or Muchinga. You say all Southern presidential candidates are tribalists which I believe is an insult to the people of the South. Since 1964, which of the above provinces have supported a Tonga presidential candidate in huge numbers and Tonga’s were too blind to see this? Let’s be serious! The bitter fruit of tribalism has been planted and natured by you the media! You talks against all Tonga political members is bad!




 Where is Isaa Galedou?


Isaa Galedou was a West African probably, Malian or Senegalese resident in Zambia either in the late 80’s or early 90’s. The man was a formidable dealer that mingled with senior government officials, politicians and businessmen. He was literally untouchable by law but later fell out with the authorities and left for East Africa. Could the editor please do a story on this man, Galedou?

Ba Lembay


Media houses igniting tribalism


I would be so grateful to your paper if you produced very concrete reasons why H. Mwanga Nkumbula, Mazoka, Magande, E.Kavindele, N.Mundia, S. Sikota and others would not be voted presidents. Was it because they were ‘inferior’ and of the minority tribes as you put it? Wrong! Inonge is only recognized now because she opted to stand as Vice President and no other reason. Which tribe in Zambia is not tribal? Of course we have good individuals who hate tribalism from Northern, Luapula., Eastern, Copperbelt, Muchinga and Southern but not with you the media. Some of the above mentioned people were highly praised only after they died.



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