Today's text messages

Tue, 07 Feb 2017 13:59:28 +0000


To Savior Chishimba  


The fact that you are the grandson of Mama Julia Chikamoneka who was not alone in the fight for independence does not give you a passport to start scandalizing innocent people’s names! I also threw stones during the fight for independence in Mansa at a place called Chabwe in Senama and my aunt was imprisoned for supporting UNIP together with her baby, my cousin aged 6 months then. With all these one cannot stand and do what you are doing to innocent people. I won’t say much, I will just wend here for now.

Micky, Ndola



UPND a tribal party 


The beating up of PF member, Brian Hapunda at a funeral at Nega Nega by the UPND is a clear indication that UPND is tribal and is creating fear in people like me who come from Southern province to go and visit home. Please Government, ban this anarchist party before they make Southern province ungovernable. Next, the UPND will start attacking party leaders. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, you are being used and you will regret. I know my people more than you do.

Oliver Kachepa




Lusaka central police


It is disheartening to see a lack of regard for the law with impunity by some police officers who demand sums of money ranging from K1, 000, K2, 000 or even more for bondable offences. Does one need to pay to be bonded or is it a right of an individual? Or maybe this is a spirit of colonialism that is working because even cases like shishita gobble colossal sums of money. We need sanity in this place please.

Concerned pastor




This is for all men


When you board a bus or a taxi and you are seated next to a girl and she starts smiling at you, don’t smile back. She wants you to pay the bus/ taxi fare for her. Wait until she pays that’s when you can smile back. Please save money, its February don’t forget.

John Paja paja



Radio Christian voice football



I wish to comment on those journalists who talk about football on Christian Voice to stop commenting on matter they do not know.. FIFA is in charge of all football associations in the world so the sport council cannot stop any issued sanctions.

  1. Kalinwa, Kitwe




Condolences to Joe Chibangu’s family


It is sad that Zambia has lost a musician Joe Chibangu. We pray that the family gets comfort form the Lord and us music lovers.

Joseph Chanda Mulenga



Retirees’ pensions


I write this letter to the board chairman of the Public Service Pensions regarding the low monthly pensions being paid now at K200 a month and yet for social cash transfers people are being above K280. Can you please consider us for the services we rendered during our 25 years in government and give us at least K400 monthly so that we may live longer like our friends in Europe? Yours faithfully, retired civil servant.

Goodwill Hatuba




Attorney General’s statement on ECL eligibility correct


The Attorney Generals statement on Lungu’s eligibility is correct. In accordance with article 106 of the amended laws of Zambia of 2016, Lungu is eligible to stand for 2021 general elections without any problems.

Remmy Lumina, Chongwe




Local courts must be abolished


I agree with the person who wrote on abolishing local courts. Why is it that the law supports women even when they have been caught red handed misbehaving and the man is made to pay?

Joseph Chanda Mulenga


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