Today's text messages

Wed, 01 Mar 2017 13:07:06 +0000

Lungu is the President of Zambia


Friday’s Daily Nation paper headline was, ‘Lungu not our president’ did not come as a surprise. For sure ECL is not UPND’s president, he is the President of the Republic of Zambia. Who doesn’t know that UPND president is HH? The president of the Republic of Dundumwezi. Do we need to lecture these people that their president, who is a specialist at failure is only known in three provinces? Only people with an IQ of a wet chicken cannot understand that three out of ten is not more than seven out of ten. Such kind of nonsense does not even qualify to be news.



Cage Neto Halwabala 


The statement by UPND’s member that President Lungu not our President is treason and no need for police to wait for orders from the top to arrest these useless creatures who use ignorance as their defence. The defence forces should move in and defend the President by following up these senseless rebels. If no apology from the top UPND leadership is given, then de-register the UPND without fail because the party would have admitted that it is their party policy not to recognise ECL as the Republican President. Only prison can teach such people to be bright. It is indeed an insult to the majority of Zambians.



City of Chipata


The declaration of Chipata into a city status is most welcome. This town deserves it. However, Chipata and Eastern province in general needs a good government-owned university. How can we have Robert Makasa, Paul Mushindo and Evelyn Hone campus all in one town of Chinsali? Livingstone and Chipata have high population counts deserving good universities.

Concerned citizen


The UPND must accept defeat 


UPND’s Halwabala said PF stole votes as reported in Daily Nations 24th February, 2017 edition. The UPND is living in denial. After being defeated by the PF, UPND said the government did not assist Southern Province. Note, all provinces are assisted by the government so what is special about UPND and Southern Province? To you Neto Halwabala, the PF has not infiltrated civil service. We support the government every day. Zambia is safe to live in contrary to what you say and think. The press is free to tell your people to pay taxes to ZRA. Please, accept defeat. The side effects of election loss is being seen in the UPND and you better be ready for another loss in 2021.



National thanksgiving prayers


I urge the President and the First Lady to hold prayers to thank God for hearing their prayers for the heavens to open up for rains. Indeed, God heard and I think there is need to thank him as it was at the beginning of the season. Viva PF! ECL for 2021 walk over.

Cadre James Maimba


The outstanding turnout


Surely we are a footballing nation. The fans turnout and support for the under-20 opening game was splendid and motivating. The spirit of ‘One Zambia, One nation’ must be enjoyed during such moments regardless of our political, religious and tribal lines. Congratulations Zambia!

Charles Gav’ment Banda, Lusaka


Zambia Under-20


Our boys played a good game, being the opening match but I think they are lacking communication at the front line. They would have won by 5 goals to 1 but they kept on missing chances. Well played, but the next game, please score goals whenever you get the chance.

  1. Moses



Keep it up!

Zambia under 20 should keep it up! The Guinea referee was against Zambia. It’s like West African countries support each other. Fair play is what we need in African football.






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