Today's text messages

Fri, 07 Apr 2017 11:44:50 +0000

Warning to my fellow citizens 


Let me warn my fellow Zambians especially those who follow anything that HH says. How many lives have we lost because of HH‘s influence? HH was not born to be a President. Even GBM has joined HH to help him fail. The two will bring anarchy in our country. Why can’t the Government take HH where he belongs?

Chipulu Ackson, Lusaka


UPND becoming stubborn 


I think the UPND MPs are becoming stubborn and they are ridiculing the Government at large. If they do not want to be addressed by President Edgar Lungu, then they have to move out of Zambia and make their own country with the president they want to address them. Edgar Lungu is the President of Zambia.



What is HH talking about? 


The majority of the people voted for Edgar Lungu. Where is HH getting the word dictator from? Zambia is for Zambians. No matter how much you pay people or promise them jobs like the Chipenzi’s, we will be watching you!



PHI and LWSC  


The cries of PHI residents are loud and clear but may these residents kindly know that the utility is praying that Mr Felix Mutati pays what our institution is owed so that we can attend to that cry. Viva ECL!



Directed to Mwenya Musenge 


Mwenya Musenge, I agree with the call of party mobilization as PF members. Remember that we gave Edgar Lungu the mandate to preside over our party. If you think that opposition should be given chance to hold rallies, then why don’t they recognise His Excellency as the President? Why should you support UPND to hold a rally?

McBride Sekeleti


High legal fees


I refer to the papers dated 3rd and 4th April in which the Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda complained of high legal fees raised by LAZ. The advice is that the Minister has to simply find a way to help poor Zambians who cannot afford the high fees by creating legal advisory departments at all courts and prisons. These departments will draft court documents at a low cost to assist people who represent themselves, especially in High Court. If this is not done, the increased legal fees will definitely block justice for the poor majority who will die in despair. Please, try this and you will see that the legal fees will reduce automatically.



Why give ZESCO 75 percent tariff hike?


The comments in your paper dated 4th April 2017 by Jonathan are valid. It is true that the private sector and Government are mostly responsible for major investments and not ZESCO alone. There is no investor who gives conditions to increase prices before doing the project as alleged by ZESCO. For instance, Dangote and most mining companies just started projects without a price increase. So what is special about the power sector investors alleged to be giving conditions? This matter needs investigations by ERB before ZESCO tariffs are touched. And why does ZESCO urgently need a 75 percent increase when the investment is so far off?



Classrooms without desks


Dear pilgrim, it is a shame and a pity that 53 years after independence, some Government schools have no desks and pupils are still sitting uncomfortably on floors. What quality education is being talked about?



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