Tolerating Kambwili tantrums dangerous-North PF

Mon, 13 Mar 2017 09:12:49 +0000



FAILURE by top PF leadership to reprimand Chishimba Kambwili for all the problems he has been causing in the party since he was fired from his ministerial position will create a very bad precedence, PF in the Northern Province have warned.

Provincial deputy elections chairperson Chibwaya Muma said the writing was on the wall and visible enough for all to see that Mr. Kambwili was not loyal to the PF.

The provincial leadership further warned that Kambwili’s tantrums if not handled properly had the potential to cause mayhem in the near future.

Mr Muma challenged Mr. Kambwili to resign from the PF and form his own political party that would challenge the ruling party if he was convinced that he had the political stamina and acumen to vie for the presidency.

Commenting on the recent hegemony in which Mr. Kambwili openly blasted presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe.

Mr. Muma said. Kambwili had continued attacking anyone from a common party member to the senior-most, including those in Governmnet because he was convinced that the party could do nothing over his behaviour because of the perceived huge following he commanded.

He equated Mr. Kambwili’s behaviour to a booby trap out to smash everyone within range and that the party will have no one else to blame but itself should the environment become volatile in the party for failing to take action while the situation was still manageable.

He said many PF members were expectant of a positive result from the on-going reconciliation talks between Mr. Kambwili and Luanshya mayor Nathan Chanda which are being facilitated by vice president Inonge Wina.

But the current developments were giving a signal that nothing would be achieved because Mr. Kambwili was not ready to cooperate.

He challenged Mr. Kambwili to step out of the PF boat and into his political waters if he thought he was strong enough not to be swept away by the current.

“Mr. Kambwili feels he has made it politically. He feels his popularity can be  equated to that of President Edgar Lungu and our only appeal to him is to step out and face us in the 2021 so that he can prove his strength since he feels the PF is where it is today because of his following.

“How can you have a person saying his people in the party are being persecuted? That means he has parallel structures within PF which he wants to use when he feels time is ripe to become president. Mr. Kambwili should have just exercised patience rather than using antagonism to get to the top,” he said.



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