Troublemakers warned as Kuomboka nears

Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:09:35 +0000



SECURITY has been tightened in Mongu following  threats by some disgruntled groupings in Western Province planning to disrupt this Saturday’s Kuomboka ceremony of the Lozi people.

And Western Province permanent secretary Mwangala Liomba assured the nation of security during the ceremony and that a number of police officers would be deployed.

Mr Liomba said all was set for the ceremony and that all the preparations had reached  an advanced stage.

He cautioned those who had intensions to disturb the ceremony to stop because the law would not spare them.

Mr Liomba said perpetrators of confusion would not be spared because people were keen to witness the ceremony after a long time, adding that no one should be allowed to destroy the culture and dignity which the Lozis were known for from time immemorial.

“We want to assure the nation that everything is in place and there is nothing to fear as the police will be there to protect citizens.

‘‘We are appealing to members of the public to come in numbers and witness this ceremony which is part of national heritage, and as the Government we want to assure that security is available to those who will attend the ceremony, and we will not allow troublemakers to disturb the ceremony,” he said.

Mr Liomba said the Kuomboka ceremony was an important event celebrated by many Zambians and others from outside the country.

But according to reliable sources, there were plans by a group of people to halt the Kuomboka ceremony following the case of the four indunas who have sued the Litunga of the Lozi people over accusations of breaking the Lozi tradition and gross incompetence.

Meanwhile, the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has installed a new Ngambela, Mr Nyambe Mwenda, to replace former deputy Education minister in the MMD government, Clement Sinyinda, who resigned from his position in 2012.

The installation took place yesterday at the Litunga’s winter palace at Lealui, in the middle of the flooded Barotse Plains, where traditional preparations were taking place ahead of the Kuomboka ceremony this Saturday. The Lozis celebrate the move of the Litunga from Lealui in the Barotse flood plain to Limulunga on higher ground through the ceremony called Kuomboka, which means getting out of water.



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