‘Twin’ murderer still on the run

Thu, 02 Feb 2017 10:30:37 +0000


POLICE are still looking for the 22-year-old twin murder suspect, Raphael Mumba who allegedly stabbed his girlfriend and her 1-year eight months old baby in Lusaka’s Kaunda Square on Sunday night.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Mwata-Katongo said they were still in search of Mumba who was the only suspect so far in the gruesome murder of the 22-year-old Stella Moonga and her son identified as young Mark Mumba after a domestic quarrel.

This is in a murder case where both victims were repeatedly stabbed with an unknown sharp instrument as they both sustained deep cuts on their bodies.

Police have, however, disclosed that investigations into his whereabouts were ongoing until they find him, and were hopeful he should soon be in custody.

It is believed that the killing was a crime of passion after the two broke up and Mumba continued stalking Moonga despite their supposed breakup.

Some witnesses have revealed that he was fond of stalking her and putting her on the spot even after they had long separated.

Meanwhile, has disclosed that they have arrested two more suspects in the Reeves Malambo (48) murder case.

It is believed that Shabu Benos, 38, allegedly stabbed her boyfriend (Malambo) with a sharp object in unknown circumstances at her Ibex home in Lusaka.

Shabu is said to have stabbed Malambo and later rushed him to Hilltop Hospital where the victim later died after midnight.

Malambo was the owner of Autoforce Spares and other businesses around the capital.

And police have disclosed that two more people have been arrested together with Benos in the Malambo murder case to help them with investigations.

This was after police apprehended the suspect’s brother and her daughter to help with investigations into the murder of the Lusaka businessman.

Ms Katongo said the two were arrested following the initial leads obtained in the matter and that they were still carrying out more investigations to actually link the two to the happenings of January 29, 2017 night when Malambo was allegedly stabbed.

Malambo is survived by a wife and four children

The family announced that funeral service was scheduled for UNZA Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church and later to be transported to Neganega for burial tomorrow, Friday 3rd February, 2017.


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