UPND is one-man show, says Lubinda

Wed, 29 Mar 2017 12:33:51 +0000



ATTEMPTS by the UPND to undermine Zambian democracy have been rebuffed by the international community which has ranked Zambian highly on the democracy index, Justice Minister Given lubinda has told parliament.

MR lubinda accused the UPND of abusing parliament to spawn divisive, negative and balkanisation massages which hard no room in the unitary peceful and a united Zambia. He told UPND Members of Parliament that their constituencies were equally benefiting from the national cake contrary to their claims that they had been left out of development.

Mr. Lubinda, who is Kabwata PF Member of Parliament, told the UPND MPs that they were currently driving on roads constructed by the PF government.

He also reminded them that the PF was a democratic party which had been always holding intraparty elections to elect its leaders.

Mr. Lubinda said the UPND was a one-man show as they had never been to a convention for a long time now.

Mr. Lubinda said this in response to questions from Members of Parliament after issuing a ministerial statement on the status of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) report.

Responding to Kabwe Central PF Member of Parliament Tutwa Ngulube who wanted to know if the 2016 general elections were rigged or not, Mr. Lubinda said the elections were free, fair and credible contrary to claims by the UPND. Mr. Lubinda said secretary general of the Commonwealth was in Zambia and issued a statement that the general elections were free, fair and credible.

“Mr. Speaker, the same people who have been going to the Commonwealth to report that the elections were not free were corrected that the general elections were actually free, fair and credible,” he said.

Mr. Lubinda explained how the Commonwealth closely monitored the elections before, during and after.


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