Tue, 19 Sep 2017 10:55:02 +0000
By Bennie Mundando
WITHDRAW the court case over your expulsion so that we meet you head-on and prove your strength since you think our popularity on the Copperbelt hinges around your presence in the party, the Patriotic Front (PF) on the Northern Province have told Chishimba Kambwili.
Provincial deputy chairperson for elections Chibwaya Muma wondered why Mr. Kambwili had continued to attack the PF yet clung to it to protect his parliamentary seat by rushing to the court to challenge his expulsion.
Mr. Muma said time for Mr. Kambwili to come out of his political cocoon and realise that he was nothing without the PF was now and that if he still believed that he had the muscle to win the Roan constituency seat against the PF, he should allow for a by-election to take place so that he defends it as an independent MP or under any political party of his choice.
He said it was morally wrong for Mr. Kambwili to continue ridiculing the same party that made him who he is today by making wild allegations ranging from corruption to governance incompetence yet not long ago, he was part of the team that he is insulting.
“How can a person who believes the PF government is doing everything wrong rush to court for protection after he is expelled? How can an individual who has consistently and without shame continued attacking the party pledge loyalty to the same institution that he is insulting?
“We expected Mr. Kambwili to be magnanimous enough to prove his political mantra by allowing a parliamentary by-election to take place so that he proves us wrong by defeating us since he says he is a political heavyweight,” Mr. Muma said.
He said just like the party finished Wynter Kabimba who allegedly believed that he was the untouchable and Alpha and Omega of the party, the PF will cripple Mr. Kambwili’s “wings” and reduce him to nothing because its strength was not premised on an individual but collective effort from all members.
He urged Mr. Kambwili to take deep introspection and realise that he had become a political prodigal and that it was only a matter of time before he became irrelevant to the political dispensation.
Mr. Muma said the perceived support that Mr. Kambwili was receiving on the Copperbelt was nothing new as it was artificial and would soon vanish just like Mr. Kabimba’s followers deserted him after realising that he had nothing to offer.
“Mr. Kabimba exhibited the same arrogance while he was in PF because he thought he was untouchable. Due of his truancy, he was expelled and because there are some people who practice politics of the belly, they misled him by lying to him that he could make it if he formed his own party because they wanted to eat.
“After these people realized that he could not take them anywhere, they deserted him and today, he has become a political loner. We thought Mr. Kambwili had learnt a lesson from his colleague’s predicament but it looks like he is waiting for his own Tsunami,” he said.