Fri, 17 Feb 2017 09:07:24 +0000


…could he be in Jamaica?


FRED M’membe and Nchima Nchito are on the run following the Lusaka Magistrates Court issuing a warrant of their arrest on Wednesday for alleged impersonation, disobeying lawful court orders and masquerading as advocates of the Post Newspaper (in liquidation).

On Wednesday, police raided Mr M’membe’s house along Nangwenya Road in Rhodes Park near the Lusaka Show Grounds where they only found his wife Mutinta who turned violent against the police and tore into pieces the warrant of arrest against her husband.

By press time yesterday, the police officers effecting the warrant of arrest did not know the whereabouts of Mr M’membe but had camped at his house for most of the day searching for the journalist turned fugitive.

Mr M’membe is currently at large but social media reported that the embattled Post Newspaper (in liquidation) owner had sneaked out of the country four days earlier and was allegedly heading for Jamaica.

Mrs M’membe was by yesterday evening still being held in custody at Kabwata police station after she was bundled there on Wednesday and the police are reported to be holding her following the violent scenes at her home on Wednesday during which she was shown on television haranguing the police and tearing up the warrant of arrest they were carrying for her husband.

Mrs M’membe could be charged with contempt for tearing up the court order for the arrest of her husband.

Mr M’membe is wanted by the police for disobeying lawful court orders to surrender all the assets of the Post Newspaper now in liquidation contrary to section 127 of the Penal Code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

According to the warrant of arrest directed to Inspector General of Police Kakoma

Kanganja, Mr M’membe is said to have concealed or was privy to the concealing of the property of the Post Newspaper (in liquidation) contrary to sections 353 (I)(b) of the Companies’ Act Cap 388 of the laws of Zambia.

Mr M’membe is also said to have prevented the production of books or papers affecting or relating to the property or affairs of the Post Newspaper (in liquidation) contrary to section 353 (I) (f) of the Companies’ Act Cap 388 of the laws of Zambia.

“You are commanded in the name of the President forthwith to apprehend the said Fred M’membe and produce him before the court at Lusaka Magistrates Complex,” the warrant of arrest read in part.

The court has also ordered the arrest of Mr Nchito for allegedly impersonating and acting as principal partner in the firm of Messrs Nchito and Nchito Advocates and an advocate of the Post Newspaper (in liquidation) contrary to section 378 (I) of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.


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