Where is Matero MP?

Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:27:38 +0000



MATERO residents have accused their Member of Parliament Lloyd Kaziya of failing to deliver on what he promised during his campaign trails.

They lamented that Mr Kaziya who is Minister of Water Development Sanitation and Environmental Protection has not been seen his election to Parliament.

The residents complained of poor sanitation, bad roads, poor drainages and unmaintained weather-beaten Matero Market.

They said from the time Mr. Kaziya was elected area Member of Parliament, no development projects had been initiated to change the area into a better environment.

“Matero is still the same old Matero, our MP is a ‘miss’ because nothing has changed, look at the roads, poor drainages and the market, nothing has changed,” said one of the residents.

The residents also complained that their area Member of Parliament has never addressed them and have never seen him since he came to power.

“We want to see the MP, our constituency looks as if there is no leader who will speak for us in Parliament if he’s not showing up to listen to our cries,” said a female marketeer only known as Bana Chanda.

The residents further said  that it was sad that he could not perform according to his portfolio as minister for the people that put him into office.

“They say charity begins at home, Mr. Kaziya shouldmake us first priority in developing our constituency, how does he perform national duties without caring about the people who voted for him?” said another resident.

The residents said all they wanted was for their area MP to come out of his ‘shell’ and address the challenges they were facing


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