Wina leads Youth Day celebrations

Mon, 13 Mar 2017 09:03:21 +0000



VICE President Inonge Wina yesterday led hundreds of youths in celebrating Youth Day by lying a wreath at the Freedom Statue yesterday in Lusaka.

Ms Wina who arrived at the Statue around 10:00hrs was joined in the activities by foreign dignitaries accredited to Zambia, Government officials, opposition UPND Kalabo MP Miyutu Chiinga, independent MPs and opposition leaders.

And this year’s celebrations was being commemorated under the theme: Unity and Innovation for smart Zambia, led hundreds of youths to commemorate their day.

Youth and Sports Minister Moses Mawere said government had received a communique from the youths who converged in Lusaka for a national youth.

Mr Mawere said one of the key things that the youths were demanding for was to have different skills in various trainings so that they empowered themselves through business ventures.

He explained that youths had resolved that they wanted to be empowered so that they contributed to the development of the country by becoming employers and not employees.

Mr Mawere urged the young people to stop complaining about their plight but engage in finding solutions to their challenges.

“Youths must focus their energy towards innovations and entrepreneurships skills so as to improve their lives and contribute to national development,” said Mr Mawere.

He said government had deceived to celebrate this year’s youth day in a different manner by engaging youths in a youth fora and exhibitions.

Meanwhile, Zambia police service Chaplain Chief Inspector Reverend Francis Kaoma said youths in Zambia must unite and fight poverty and economic emancipation in Zambia and it can only be achieved by working together in love.

Inspector Kaoma urged the youths to be ambassadors of love and peace so that in turn they could be transformed into instruments of economic prosperity.

“May our goal as youths to produce good results for the betterment of the tomorrow. As a reservoir of good leaders of tomorrow, we should be good youths of today and we must begin to live a new life, said Chaplin Kaoma.

Inspector Kaoma implored Zambia youths to use their energy on developmental issues than activities that can easily divide the nation, instead of violence, it can be used for hard work, love and care so that Zambia became a better place to live.

Meanwhile Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo has urged youths to inspire themselves before anyone else can inspire them and t they should be able to think outside the box and concentrate on constructive things.

Speaking in an interview with the Daily Nation, Mr Kampyongo said that youths where cardinal and where in the forefront in the liberation of this country but now the liberation is to fight poverty by being innovative and find different means to inspire themselves.

He said that it was important that youths shared constructive ideas other than complaining and change their mindsets to things that will help develop the country, as they are the future of this nation.

s and then everyone else can only supplement what they can do.

And acting UNZASU president Grey Piyo Ndhlovu said that it was imperative that youths embraced innovation and unity to engage in activities that bring about productivity and development for the nation.


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