Women buy mattresses for Ndola psychiatric ward

Sat, 08 Apr 2017 10:56:12 +0000

WOMEN from the Gender Based Sub-Committee in Ndola district, with support from the Bank of Zambia (BoZ), have donated 40 mattresses to Ndola Teaching Hospital (NTH) psychiatric department.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, NTH senior medical superintendent Dr Alex Makupe disclosed that a recent audit conducted by the institution revealed that the facility needed close to 1,000 mattresses, beds and bedding especially as the cold season was approaching.

Dr. Makupe said the hospital also needed a waiting shelter for relatives of patients coming from remote areas.

He added that there was need for the community and business entities in Ndola to begin playing the role of supplementing Government efforts by improving conditions at the health facility through donations and other support.

Meanwhile, Dr. Makupe said Government has spent K14 million in trying to uplift infrastructure and state of the mental facility at the hospital.

He said that the facility will cater for patients on the Copperbelt and Northern Province and a contractor was expected to handover the facility for use soon.

Speaking at the same event, Ndola district commissioner George Chisulo commended women from the Gender Based Sub-Committee for improving conditions at the psychiatric department by the donation of mattresses.

And Gender Based Sub-Committee member Angela Katochi said the donation was part of the activities lined up for the women’s day celebrations by the committee in Ndola.


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