Zambia to have first cardiac surgery hospital

Wed, 15 Feb 2017 10:18:25 +0000



A US$ 30 million first ever cardiac surgery hospital is being constructed in Zambia by an investor from the Middle East and will see the country save a lot of money in medical evacuations to foreign hospitals across the world.

Medland Hospital, once completed would equally have facilities such as a high-tech women and dental transplant department that would see people have their original dental formula gained after losing some of their teeth.

Hospital chief executive officer Dr Mohamed El Sahili said in an interview yesterday that his company had decided to invest in Zambia’s health sector because the country through President Edgar Lungu had created a conducive and attractive investment environment.

Dr El Sahili disclosed that Medland Hospital Cardiac Hospital would be the first in the SADC region and would be able to provide medical services to countries including Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, and Malawi among other neighbouring countries.

Dr El Sahili who is Fairy Bottling Zambia chief executive officer said Medland Hospital would have an initial bed capacity of 82 which would increase as   the hospital was expected to grow over the years.

He said all cardiac diseases would be treated in Zambia and that Government would no longer need to evacuate citizens requiring specialized treatment abroad once the medical facility was fully operational.

“We are investors from the Middle East and we have decided to invest in the Zambia’s medical sector. We are currently constructing a high-tech Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Zambia which is going to be the first ever in the region,

“We have chosen Zambia from among other countries in the region because the country through its leadership has provided regulations and investments incentives that are attracting investors,

“We are here to provide the best medical services ever and Zambians would no longer need to be evacuated abroad for specialized medical treatment such as cardiac surgery and dental transplant,” Dr El Sahili said.

He revealed that the planned Hospital would also provide medical services such anti-aging medicines which currently was the sole preserve of developed countries.

Dr El Sahili said Zambia was one of the most economically emerging landlocked country and that Lusaka was destined to be health hub in the region.

He said Medland was going to acquire the most advanced medical equipment to conduct full laboratory tests especially on cancer diseases and hormones.


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