Zambians in SA cautioned against xenophobic attacks

Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:44:56 +0000


By Nation Reporter

THE High Commission of Zambia in South Africa has advised Zambians living in that country to exercise caution in the wake of attacks on foreign nationals and their properties that have been reported in some parts of the country.

There have been reports in recent weeks of an outbreak of violent attacks in some parts of South Africa against foreign nationals, particularly fellow Africans from various countries.

In a statement, press secretary Nicky Shabolyo said in Pretoria reports so far indicated that homes, shops, vehicles and other property owned by foreigners were being targeted.

“Although Zambians have not yet been directly affected, we have, however, received numerous calls of our people expressing anxiety and fear for their safety.

“We would, therefore, wish to advise that Zambians in South Africa pay close attention to their personal security at all times and monitor the media for information about possible risk areas,” said Mr Shabolyo.

According to media reports, violence broke out in Pretoria West on 18th February, 2017 when community members looted and set ablaze homes and vehicles belonging to foreigners.

A week earlier, at least 10 houses suspected to belong to foreign nationals were set alight in Rosettenville, south of Johannesburg.

A march has been scheduled for 24th February, 2017 in Pretoria which organisers are reported to say would see South Africans from across the capital city participate and march from Marabastad to the Home Affairs Department offices in the central business district.

He said the Mission had seriously engaged various stakeholders, including relevant South African Government wings and departments to ensure the safety of all Zambian citizens in South Africa.

He said Zambians who travelled to or resided in South Africa were urged to register with the Zambian High Commission to make it easier for the Mission to contact them in case of emergency.

Online registration was available via Zambians without internet access may enroll directly with the Zambian Mission in Pretoria.

The Mission is located at 570, Ziervogel Street (Off Hamilton Street), Arcadia, Pretoria, South Africa; telephone (+27) (012) 326-1847/97; fax (+27) (012) 326-2140.

In the event of an after-hours emergency, you may wish to contact: +27 (0) 73 557 8328, +27 (0) 84 637 0900,+27 (0) 71 970 4988 AND+27 (0) 81 002 7548



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