Zesco annoys Bwanamukubwa MP

Tue, 20 Dec 2016 13:36:30 +0000

By Violet Tembo

ZESCO has exhibited the worst forms of incompetence and its services are the most pathetic and tantamount to campaigning against the Patriotic Front (PF) and President Edgar Lungu, Bwanamukubwa member of Parliament Jonas Chanda has charged.

Dr Chanda has taken a swipe at Zesco management, stating that it was unacceptable for the power utility company to fail to explain to Zambians the cause of power outgaes in some parts of the country. In a statement issued to Daily Nation in Ndola Dr.Chanda accused Zesco of failing to explain why some parts of Ndeke Township in his constituency has had no power for four days.

Dr.Chanda stated that his office received report from concerned residents of Malasha area and other parts that the residential areas for days been in darkness.

Dr.Chanda said the situation has resulted in people having lost plenty of food items and other perishable goods which have gone bad.

He complained that small businesses such as salons, barbershops, wielding had been adversely affected by the four days Zesco blackout and yet the comapy had not offered any explanation despite residents having reported the matter to the power utility company.

“Sadly Zesco has not explained to the residents of Ndeke why there has been no power and why they are treating people in this cruel manner. Of late the country has witnessed huge power blackouts for days on end in many parts of the country. With Zesco being casual in handling these situations, it poses both national and economic risks to the country,” Dr Chanda said.

Dr.Chanda complained that Minister of Finance Felix Mutati during his presentation of the 2017 Budget in Parliament announced that Zesco was one of the parastatals whose performance was not good.

He appealed to government to urgently carry out an institutional audit of the power utility company and other poorly performing parastatal companies and change their management and business models.

He said the action would ensure that communities were best served with quality services.



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