ZNBC should explain Star Times affair – CCPC
Sat, 31 Dec 2016 12:27:48 +0000
THE Competition and Consumer Protection (CCPC) is scheduled to write to the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and Star Times to ascertain the conditions of the merger between the two companies, CCPC executive director Chilufya Sampa has said.
Speaking in an interview with Daily Nation yesterday, Mr Sampa said there was need for CCPC to gather more information on the condition of the merger between ZNBC and Star Times under the company Topstar Communication Company.
On Thursday, Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Kampamba Mulenga announced that ZNBC had partnered with Star Times in operating the public signal distribution.
Mulenga announced that ZNBC and Star Times joint venture had resulted into the formation of a company called Topstar Communication Company.
She said the company would have shares, shared between ZNBC and Star Times with the former getting 40 percent while the latter would own 60 percent shares.
She announced that 1,250,000 decoders and antennae’s had been secured by the government to facilitate the receiving of digital television.
She explained that the decoders would be sold by Topstar Communications Company limited.
“Of the 1,250,000 decoders we have received 279,488 decoders and arrangements are under way to ensure that all cities along the line of rail have selling points and adequate stocks are made available, “she said.
She refuted allegations that ZNBC television levy had been increased from K3 to K30 adding that it was under review and that members of the public would be informed about it.
But CCPC executive director Chilufya Sampa said they were yet to ascertain whether the two companies had merged or not.
He said there was need for them to get clarity on the matter adding that there were other mergers that were meant to benefit the people.
“We will write to both companies to get more information on the merger and whether it was just for the benefit of the people or otherwise, “Mr Sampa said.
He said since the institution was not informed on the merger they awaited to hear from the two institutions to know the way forward.
Meanwhile Lusaka residents have received the information with divergent views.
Thomas Nkuwa of Lusaka’s Chainda residential area has said the partnership would cost the vulnerable adding that while it would have been easy to buy one decoder and watch all the local channels the fact that other private television stations had their personalised decoders would be costly.
“We are currently able to watch all the local channels but with the coming in of digital television we will be forced to buy two decoders and pay for each every month something that I personally feel will be expensive, he said.
He said there was need for all local channels to dialogue and come up with one decoder that would operate as one.